Oh god hello

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lala-Land, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. I highly doubt anyone here remembers me but hello everyone! It’s been a while. Hoping to get back into the swing of things!

    Life updates!

    Chill and I ended our relationship- this was due entirely because of my actions and greatly regret the way I treated him however I’m not going to dwell on that too much

    My biggest news!!!

    I did end up getting married and I recently became a parent! So those are some exciting things!

    Maybe I’ll do a goldfish raffle or something once I get back into the swing of things, who knows

    uh if anyone has any advice or a cool club to join let me know I’d love to try and get back into this
    Offthewall and Kefo like this.
  2. You can join my club if you dont care about random hits. Also download witch arcana. Its atas new game. Just a retextured heckfire but its free shit so why not. The promo hasnt ended yet
  3. Dope! Deffo will!
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  4. Eh I remember you🌚
  5. : o

    I’m really glad you have found someone that you love and even better, have your own child! What is their favorite food and color?

    I’m really glad you’re back. After you left forums wasn’t as fun. Honestly everything went downhill since then. PIMD has gone through some changes, so that’s kind of cool! If you want to join an ec club I’ll pay for a few sessions. I don’t mind! Also would LOVE another goldfish raffle. Hit me up and I’ll donate quite a bit.

    Welcome back. 🫶
  7. Hellllooooo thank you!
    I’m ok on the ec club offer but I appreciate you sm for offering!
    My kiddo is only 4 months old so no answer on the food and color question but we’ll see in a couple years lol!
    I’ll do my best to make forums fun again for sure!
    Seriously likes this.
  8. Aww thank you. Do you want the Easter Avis at all? I literally don’t mind buying shards for you bb
  9. Damn I should've made a hello thread too
  10. Yeah, now we have no idea who are 🌚
  11. 👀
  12. Hmm, I remember the name for some reason.
    Don't remember what terms we were on. But assuming that my younger self wasn't an asshole to most people, there's a pretty high chance that we used to be friendly.

    I don't keep the app installed but every 2-3 weeks or in a few months when I remember the existence of the game. I check some interesting forums in off topic and install to comment if I feel the need to.

    Congratulations on the new addition to the family. Such a big responsibility. I might be there as well in a few years. Though I am saving money right now and want to buy a place before getting married.

    Anyways, why come back and join this hell hole? You can find better and healthy hobbies in real life. And make authentic friends as well.

    Take care. Have fun.
  13. Congratulations!
  14. Wb Lala! So wonderful to hear about the changes in your life! :)
    Children can bring so much magic and inspiration for growth in life.
    I hope your parenting career lasts long, goes deep, and brings you oodles of joy.
  15. There was a day when a child thought only parents and him or her has this potential but what's happening is its everywhere in universe and multiple.
  16. More cretins to an already overpopulated Earth? Yikes
  17. Maybe we wouldn’t have to worry about overpopulation if your mom had swallowed :)