Offering Guitar, 3 leather jackets and keytar for catsuit!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -BCS-Lucifer-, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Hi 

    Ridiculous offer eh? haha im actually not offering that  sorry

    But now that i have your attention, a similar method of scamming (offering extremely good prices for items) is being used by q8_bo7sna

    I just didnt want anyone else to be scammed ( i havent been scammed myself but if you take a look at his recent items received, check any of the profiles found there)

    So far many have said they are farming, i do not know if they are just talking the talk but i certainly am farming him

    Why did i make this post? because of a few things 
    1. I dont want others scammed
    2. I want to bring attention to scamming to help our community improve
    3. And i want people to help "persuade" him to return items, either by farming or simply not letting him into your club

    Thank you for your co-operation!! 
  2. So you want us to help you farm him?
  3. At least show us proof that he's a scammer
  4. I already told you, you can check any wall from his recent item recieved part or just tap his wall and read the person typing in arabic's wall
  5. "This escalated quickly!" -Unknown
  6. He is scammer let's happy farm! Fantastic don't worry not only me there r 10 other player been scammed by him check his received items.
  7. A reason why I don't like to trade items not that I have valuable stuff tho :)
  8. dtw so wuickly 
  9. Don't be greedy. If it sounds too good then it is too good.
  10. I say take your chances! If its too good go for it, but don't complain/cry/moan, Etc.
  11. Just earn your items?

    Or get your tuts to do it for you slave driver
  12. I don't get the point of the items… they don't give any stat boosts, so why want them?