not right 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PhiaD-D-Doll, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Story time!

    Today, I noticed that the signs beside the threads on forums were all blue, usually indicating my wifi is ****ed up.
    After fixing it and reopening PimD and the signs were still blue, I checked the threads to see if my wifi was good.
    It was, meaning something else was wrong.
    Then I noticed the star missing from the sign beside Off-Topic.
    Looking on the first few pages, expecting to see my name, nothing popped out.
    No Phia anywhere, although posts with my name in them (as if someone was talking to me) were made.
    I checked another thread, High School of the Dead by Jihi, which I had recently posted in.
    Also, deviants told me he (and other Off-Topic regulars) had noticed a whopping 3k posts missing from Off-Topic's post count.
    Earlier, he had checked the online forums to see my starting date (which is really January 17th), was earlier today.
    I still have my 120 day award.
    Where did all my posts go?

    What the fuck happened?
  2. Sophie!

    Try opening the app away from forums? That's what I do

  3. Wow.

    The blue frame surrounding the posts? That sometimes happens to me. That's because I stay in forums too long without doing anything. I quit the app first then come back and click PM or notifications. Go back to forums abd it'll work. :0

    Hope that helped... A bit...
  4. The mods are deleting posts from the off topic thread.

    I don't know why.

    But you're the second person who had their posts erased.
  5. Also, might as well take Come Again? out of Best Of.
    It's all gone ,_,
  6. Yeah 1/2 of Come again? Was erased, and it says kaylee wrote it
  7.  thats not right to your story!!
  8. I worked hard to write that story, let alone get it into Best Of.
    Then some shitty PimD mistake deletes it all?
    Fuck you, developers 
  9. It says I wrote it? 
  10. Jace, all my posts are gone- it just says Kay wrote the thread.
    No story.
  11. Kay, go look at Come Again?
  12. Wow. **** whoever did that.
  13. Holy shizz. Thats messed up ._.
  14. This is ****ing messed up 
  15. I shall bbl.
    I have an angry email to write.
  16. It happened to all her stories...
  17. ...

    I. Am. PISSED. OFF.


    WHAT'S THE ADDRESS?! :mad:

    But seriously.

    Angry letter time.
  18. You know what isnt right? I've been drinking for hours and I'm still not wasted. 