Noobs in war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---V_F4NT4STIC---, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Shit noobs say in war

    1-He's my pupil I can't hit him

    2-She's my friend I can't hit her

    3-I have 50 defense pots is that enough?

    4- 3/7/51 F

    5-I only bought attack pots is that ok?

    6-Can I use all my dns now?

    7-I have 100 defense pots is that ok?

    8-I don't want to fight him he's strong

    9-My friend needs help in a party can I go?

    10- do I need to be full?

    That's all I got ? post what you've heard in wars.
  2. Lmao!

    Im pinned and cant regen.. Can i just go to sleep
  3. I never seen these types of questions asked .-.

    Only, "Who do I hit?" ?
  4. Pleaseeee tell me this is a joke
  5. not funny Akudou . . Don't make fun of me
  6. Sleep? Whaa!
  7. -activates in war, goes to sleep-
  8.  Dj
  9. He was talking about me. . I did that the past 2x. . Lol
  10. Seriously that wasnt meant directly to you.  but since you felt offended, oh well
  11. Haha, Oops. . You told me that in pm xD. . Imma leave now
  12. Did the war start yet?
    What are pots?
    Why are they hitting back?
    so many pwars nowadays its sad
  13. I just heard a new one today

    I'm pesting by hitting from pin ?
  14. "Don't worry, I've done pwar before" 

    "It's okay if I get hit, all my money has been banked" 

    "Should I join now? I'm about to sleep" 
  15. Or the ones from oppo who tell you to let them regen lol
  16.  LOL
  17. 
  18.  can we support this thread with ss? Would actually be more fun?

    (Oh, i thought np means no pots, it meant not pinned?)
  19. How about does anyone have a 60b tut I can borrow? They keep attacking me 
  20. I m going to other side to spy on them 