no support

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -SIN-WfPk-_OG-Jones-, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. I really dislike people who put no suppose for thing they know they support or have no reason not to support it
  2. No suppose it is
  3. Btw its more about having honest feedback if you ask for support and people simple write support than what sort of constructive feedback is that. Its alp the same boat really. If there is lots of no supports on your thread than you have to think why.
  4. No support noob
  5. I support ?

  8. you are a pro at quoting
  10. Thx ik? some copy and paste will do?
  11. amazing skills
  12. That was your last post. If this post is about people not supporting your last, #support or #nosupport you didn't ask #why or #whynot. Js.