The last time I watched Spongebob, the episodes were way too strange and disturbing to me to be able to watch anymore. The older episodes are good though.
Oof. So, I've always hated the og troll dolls cause they look kinda creepy with their hair colors and style. I've always felt that their eyes had the ability to look straight into someone's soul. Anyways, whenever they announced that an animated movie was gonna come out back in the 2010s I was like: "The heck? This thing for sure is gonna blow. These things are creepy and now they are making a movie out of it.. jeez, Hollywood really is running out of original ideas." The movie came out.. it did pretty well at the box office and received pretty good audience reception So good in fact, that they made this whole series about it. So.. enough about that.. and uhh yeah.. back to my story. I hated it and I vowed to never watch it. This past tax season, I went to this one place that had this TV with a DVD player in the waiting area. There are no kids around, and I see the lady who works there pull out the DVD case for the animated Trolls movie. Just my luck. I tell the lady that there are no kids around and whether she could choose a different movie. She said that's all they had. ? So.. I tried to look at the positives. -Perhaps this won't take long, a couple of more minutes and I will get called up. That's the only positive, since I had no reception in that effing room. So.. I had to deal with it. More than 2 hours later. The movie ends. It was probably one of the funniest animated movies I've ever seen. It was cute.. the music was on point. I didn't care that I didn't get called up cause I was really into it. So.. moral of the story is. Don't do your taxes online.
I love the trolls movie too. And I’ve never really watched Hey, Arnold that much. Didn’t really like it, I mean I didn’t hate it. But yeah
So you enjoy doing taxes and having to work for 8+ hours to survive? You enjoy paying bills? I’m confused on what you’re so ecstatic about.
I like having freedom and choice, which children usually don't have unless they have super hippy parents. I don't mind working, I like my job. And taxes take like 5 mins idk what the fuss is about
Everyone has a freedom of choice it’s more of the matter of what you do and how other people that you may involve yourself with preseve them. Even if you don’t care or you don’t associate yourself with others those choices follow you forever. Or at least until you learn how to deal with them. Nice that you have a job you enjoy. 85% of people usually don’t have that.
Ofc everyone has 'freedom of choice,' I sais freedom and choice. It's different. Children can't make money, drop everything and travel to another country at their whim. They usually don't get to decide what they eat. Their hobbies are dependent on what their parents will pay for or what they can access for free. Parents can stop their children from certain friendships, can move them across a country, can tell them they're not allowed to see their grandparents anymore (a lady i am friends with did this to her daughter cuz she personally doesn' wanna deal with her mother. Her 6 year old and her mother are devastated). A lot of life is decided for you up until a certain age. And I'm aware I'm lucky in regards to the job thing. Work isn't everything tho and life is what you make of it. I think a lot of ppl who claim to hate adulthood just really like being miserable (in developed countries anyway. Ppl in developing nations have different circumstances).
I enjoy adulthood ? Taxes are seriously a breeze with computers, lol. Was anyone else forced to learn the old school way in some economics class in school? Cause now that I understand why you'd hate doing. I get less naps, but they're whenever I want them to be. So it's cool. I'm happy. Now other adults? Yeah. They suck.