no haterzz!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *layla223 (01), Oct 3, 2011.

  1. what do you look for in a guy or girl?
    are you in a relationship with someone?
    what do they do that you love most?
  2. no you troll so much better
  3. Trolololololololollollolololllolollolol.

    Ha. -_- 
  4. -spasm-

    Yea so ummm I'm kinda bored 
  5. Hahaha. Noooo reallyy? (sarcasm intended)
  6. Isn't it derp?
  7. No it's merp. Derp is a different word :|
  8. What is merp then?
  9. Merp: a random word that is often used to fill awkward silence :|
  10. I already posted on this topic. Repeat thread. Look for the other one.