No EC missions?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Alkariv, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Has anyone else been having this problem? It's been like a month or so since the last time I had free extra credit missions available and idk why. I had them before and even completed some, but haven't gotten any for a while now.
  2. ??‍♀️ I’ve heard other have had the same problem, I still get them. Don’t know the reason.
  3. The offerwall? It updates occasionally but not by much tbh
  4. i’ve never got any since starting the game :/
  5. It isn't an issue or glitch; it just means there are no offers currently available according to your geolocation. Some people have never had offers available. Thank or blame Fyber, the company that is in charge of the offer wall.