News Articles Situation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Webboo, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. If you haven't noticed... there are a lot of News threads being published.

    I, for one, publish Boo's News. 

    But there are people who dislike News threads. And some who like them.

    If you don't like any of the News threads, don't comment. Yes, you have a right of opinion and the freedom of speech.

    However, it's like _Warrior's helpers. You can hate all you want, but they won't go away. Or you can join in and probably get hated.

    All I'm saying is try to keep your opinions nice. Instead of harsh criticism, use constructive criticism. If you prefer one news thread to another, tell the other how to improve.

    Or just don't say anything.

    I'm just suggesting this because people do work hard on their threads and they do not get enough praise.

    Anyboo, keep on Foruming. 
  2.  
  3. Anyboo, nice pun  wait, it is a pun right?
  4. I'm a helper and I'm proud to be one :D