
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PhilnHigh, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. Hey fams, I'm new here, what's crackin? Teach me your ways pls :3.
  2. Lol this kid
  3. Nah you're not new :roll:
  4. Phil, our god.  He hath returned
  5. How am I not new
  6. Phil?  Oh God. The forums are about to get so much better.
  7. Dank memes can't kill my steel beams fam
  8. A nobody fam
  9. Yea thats what i thought
  10. Is this the Asian Philip? ? the one who was in BAD? ???
  11. 1300 posts and you don't know who Phil is? Would you even consider yourself a forumer?
  12. He thinks hes a cool kid 
  13.  90% of his post count comes from posting 'no support.'
  14. This may be that phil, who's askin? ?
  15. Technically everyone's a nobody to somebody til you meet them. But I'll take your comment to the heart and and remind myself I'm just tryin to get known in a big community but no one will ever acknowledge me fam ;(

  16. Such mean comments
    Just say hello to the scrub, geez
  17. Sup fam ?