New Spinner Items: School of Hipsterdry

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Hipster House Rings have made their way into the Prize Spinner.
    From now until 12PM PDT on September 22nd you'll have a chance at one of the following rings with each spin:

    Griffindorm Ring
    Sleazerin Ring
    Hufflebuff Ring
    Navyclaw Ring
    House Spirit Underwear
    Mirror of Desire
    Flat-Screen Painting

    When you collect FIVE of each class ring they'll also combine to form the Goblet of Fireball.
  2. Woo-hoo 
  3. finally ata running several hunts at same time as i always asked them to
  4. why roy why
  5. could have just game winning team a ring ?
  6. Lol i used up 160 spinner on CHIBIS !! NOW HAVE NOTHING FOR this !
  7. Yay new items! But I actually spun and won the undies but it says unknown item. It still hasn't appeared in my showcase.
  8. Cooool! 
  9. But you can only earn spins easily over WiFi... Sucks to be those without :|
  10. Can you restart the app and see if this is fixed?
  11. New spinner items?!?! just what the entire communty has been asking for oh wait…
  12. Go navyclay!!