New Pets— We Need Them Now!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by No, Jun 22, 2024.

  1. Jk. But for real…. I am struggling here.. it’s always super hard to do story passes hoping I don’t choose leveling pet outcomes. I have just about every pet maxed out with exception to like, 4?

    I have one super rare (gold tier) cat left, and three ultra rares (purple tier) pets left including the Shiba, Caracal, & Ferret.

    Ultra rarity pets require, per any given level, the ultra rare food items from the 12 hour pet speed ups. My luck tends to be pretty shot out— with me only winning 1, or 2 purple items per week. And that’s with regularly opening the 12 pet capsules.

    My excess of food for pets that I have already maxed is pretty high up. Not to mention the total of **11+ years of pet speed ups I have**.

    I hope for new pets soon! Maybe this Black Friday idk(?) (Pls no more cats I love cats but I have no cat food) And I was curious if anyone else shared these struggles. Maybe only some of the higher stat or older account players 😊

    I’m also gonna suggest some future potential pets:

    - Raccoon
    - Chicken
    - Fox
    - Butterfly
    - Monkey
    - Bee
    - Jellyfish
    - Any sort of pet fish would be cute tbh
  2. I support the Fox pet 🦊
    V_Witchy_101, CaptainSweet and No like this.
  3. Ty for the support 😂 I feel like we have enough fox themed hunts and misc to justify having a fox pet it would be so cute
  4. Im not even close to having them all yet but yehh. No harm in adding more
    No likes this.
  5. the more active you are, the more speed ups you get, and then you finish everything really fast

    I know a lot of ppl don’t really focus on pets but there is a good chunk of players with most of them maxed 🌚
  6. Not so much about active but how much money spend. Get WAY more speed up boxes when in a ec club
    No likes this.
  7. My few thousand 8hr pet speed ups came from spotlight which is a free daily hourly
    edit: but yes ec clubs help somewhat I guess; really it boils down to to maximizing hourly collectathon and daily xc tiers for timer bags :)
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  8. Totally agree with this
    We need new pets and soon as I know other players that have nearly maxed all pets plus how do apes expect players to UG 4 pets to complete extra side story’s?
    Kukki, No, V_Witchy_101 and 1 other person like this.
  9. Valid. However for the story requirement, they could just have an alternative success condition:
    "Have over 20 maxed pets" or something.
    Sacred, Kukki and No like this.
  10. Before they add more pets, I’d like them to focus on chances of getting ultra rare pets (or whatever the highest is). I have all pets minus the 4 purple pets. When I glance at my pet list, it also appears I don’t have “space” for any more. I’m not sure how to explain this without just asking you to look at the picture below. But I don’t believe I can actually hold more pets because of this reason, which is sucky. Reply to this comment if you DO have one of each pet please to prove me wrong. 🩷

  11. I also have all of the pets, including the Super Rare. It is a slow trudge now to get the items needed to upgrade. I agree that we need more pets, even if it’s just so we can get more pet supply boxes. Or give us other ways to win/earn/buy the upgrade items needed. Maybe as a rare drop from timer boxes?
    VeeKnottyByNature, No and Kefo like this.
  12. You definitely just need to open more capsules. You have space to hold every pet possible if you don’t already have it. It boils down to grinding and luck.
    Seriously and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  13. It's not enough! At least, I don't have enough 😔😂

    This totally isn't a strategic bump to keep the thread up or anything like that. I promise

    I'd also like to propose another idea. Idk if it's good or not, but here it is.

    Alternatively, we can prestige our pets. Once we max the levels, we can reset them and level them up again. Prestiging can give a small bonus as well.

    That way, we can continuously use the resources instead of building up.
    No likes this.
  14. Prestiging isn't a bad ideaaa but it'd need to be done well
    No likes this.