New item idea: combine lock

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, May 21, 2021.


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  1. I know im not the only one that wants to collect every painter box animal. But the issue with that is they auto combine into another item when get them all.

    So why not have a item that we can add onto a bb item that makes it NOT auto combine. That way we can collect everything we want and not have to worry about it auto combining.

    It would probly end up costing ec to get but having chances to get it for free to would be good

    OR counter idea

    This would involve a recoding of how bb items work so would be a big job but it could be good.

    Have bb items NOT auto combine at all. But instead, when you tap on a bb comes up with a list of things that you can make with the bb items you do have. And then you tap on the one you want to make and then (just to avoid people bitching about tapping the wrong thing) have a pop up to confirm or cancel saying the item you are about to make.
  2. Share around so more people can vote. Im gonna show this to ata so they can see
  3. Dumb
    TRUplyer88 likes this.
  4. Why dumb
  5. While it definitely would be tough to make the change, I do think it would be a great one. Obviously, not many people care to talk about it, but it is frustrating when BB would be close to expiring, so you open them.. and suddenly you have a combined item. I’d love something simple. In your notifications where it typically say “items have combined to make ...!”, it would now say “combine items to make one?”. That way it doesn’t have to give away what it is and it can still be a sort of ‘surprise’ for people who enjoy that, BUT it doesn’t HAVE to be.
  6. They could implement "containers" maybe, like a showcase tab to put items into. Items in that tab won't combine or interact with items outside, and items outside don't interact with those inside....

    Extra cool would be 'containing' the items you want to combine so you can easily see the progress to your rare BB item coming together. And then when those items, in the container combine, it's closed and put into the showcase.

    Those containers could be 1 for free, and additional ones purchasable with ecs.
  7. I think putting a "Limit: 5" or something on the final combo would be nice. No new feature needed to be added.
    Kefo and LeeJarrett like this.