Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ghostbat, May 19, 2019.

  1. Got any leaks or intel about the upcoming hunt? Was it like invite parties now??
  2. No leaks yet, I think they normally happen the day/night before a hunt is announced
  3. We have these leeks tho
  4. I cackled ffs
  5. I have all the intel, it will be a Christmas hunt
  6. Dear god don't let this woman cook anything or we'll actually have a leak in our stomach.
  7. Fixed use
  8. This post made me happy with all the leeks! Ty ???
  9. New hunt is tennis theme
  10. Fairy tail fan? 
  11. Are you referring to the tennis furniture in the furni box or are you joking?
  12. I seriously hope they’re joking 
  13. Hard pass on the tennis hunt