New hunt

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Minaii, May 14, 2019.

  1. I really want a new lgbt+ hunt. I wasn't here when the last one came, and I think it would be good to have one. I have spoken with some people from lgbt+ Community(im including myself) and they also want the hunt. ATA, please consider this request
  2. You spoke to yourself?
    Tbh the last one caused such issue, I wouldn’t be against another but I also ain’t strongly hoping one comes ?‍♂️
  3. I also have conversations with myself from time to time.
  4. They have Pride avis and gifts every year for Pride Month. Having a full entire hunt would cause too many problems considering how much hate there is with just the small inclusions.
  5. And say people who speak to themselves are crazy nah they are i enjoy conversations with myself
  6. In all seriousness though I agree with Anon and Chulo. I’m not against the idea, but it did cause some issues last time.
  7. Ok haha. I meant that I aslo included my option about this with the other people's opinions. But I see that it may be problematic having this hunt. And it is very heart breaking knowing that this community isn't fully supported yet. It takes time, and when the time comes then you can reconsider this request
  8. ata hmu to draw the next lgbt avis
  9. No support tbh
    The community turned toxic
  10. No thanks, coming from a bisexual woman. I would be okay with a few gifts that last the entire month (the lesbian pride flag, gay pride flag, bisexual pride flag, and transgender pride flag only).
  11. I want a stud Latina?❣️
  12. Let the community turn toxic. You can't expose bigotry if you don't give people a chance to let it out. I'd participate if they gave us one next month and imma be sitting on forums searching for tea the whole time.
  13. It was intracommunity fighting. ATA labeled a bunch of those made-up SJW sexualities as LGBT identities and actual LGBT people were upset
  14. I don’t mean the PIMD community will turn toxic over it, I just mean the LGBT community itself turned toxic over the years due to (like Muschi mentioned) the SJW making up identities and the 50+ new genders created by tumblr.
    Also, like I’ve mentioned in another thread that wanted another LGBT hunt, I was still against it due to most members of the LGBT not supporting bisexual individuals like myself.
  15. The LGBTQ hunt will happen next time LGBTQ month comes around:/ yall get a whole month of pride so let's not be greedy

  16. I'm kind offended by «yall get a whole month of pride, so let's not be greedy»
  17. Then uninstall tbh
  18. I mean, technically a lot of minority groups don't get an entire month of celebration. Some only get a day, or perhaps a week. Perhaps Clefairy belongs to a minority group that has not be so lucky to be represented en masse ー incl. on ATA, which have been very consistent with providing items to celebrate LGBT history during Pride month over the years (even if they do it incorrectly... attempts have been made :) ).