New Guide to Uploading Pics on Forum

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Night_Predetor_-, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. Players around have been facing the problem of uploading pics here on the forums. So this is the new guide on how to upload pics on forums.


    Guide to Uploading Pics

    I mostly use imgur as it is simple so I'm gonna be using it as example. P.S. - I do not have access to post in guides so posting in strategy.

    1.Install Imgur

    2.Sign up with FB or Gmail

    3.Upload Your Pics

    4.Copy the link

    5.Open in Google Chrome and Open image in New Tab

    6.Copy the image link from Google Chrome for the image opened in new tab

    7.Upload in forums by uploading pic

    Enter your pic link between the codes [imgfit*] your url.jpg[/imgfit*] without the asterisk (*)

    Sometime ago imgur put a stop to directly uploading the pic from their website. So you have to get the full link from google by using step 4 and 5

    8.Difference between Step 7 - 1st way(direct link) and 2nd way(full link)


  2. I use imgur's website and it allows me to upload pics directly and it's a 2 step process. Why are you making it complicated?
  3. Doesn't work for me always tho ?
  4. P.S. - For those who are having problems with uploading directly?
  5. tbh use tinypic. imgur app publishes all your photos to public gallery :?
  6. Exactly, plus you don’t have to download some bs app
  7. Isn't the pic meant to be public if the purpose of using imgur is to post a pic in a public forum? (in the given context)
  8. Tiny pic's website and imgur website is a way easier process but welp if it suits you it's all okay.
  9. Isn't mentioning the app equivalent to mentioning any other third party app? :?
  10. I'd say the older threads were much better and simple.

  11. I’d say, post more pics peeps. Keep it going
  12. it's meant to be public within the context of the forum thread you're posting it in. say you're posting in selfie thread... in imgur, just looks like you're posting a selfie for no reason and you gonna get shìt on by imgurians in the comments cos that's what they do. would rather not deal w that lmao
  13. True  i got -6 upvotes straight away for posting this. Had to caption "needed for guide"
  14. I hate to admit it. But touchè
  15. I'll make another forum now using tinypic. Tbh its more simple ?
  16. I make my pictures/albums private?‍♀️
  17. There are other apps to use.
  18. And the apps have different formats depending on if you're using iOS or android
  19. you cant make them invisible to gallery from the app tho