Players around has been facing the problem of uploading pics here on the forums. So this is the new guide in how to upload on forums. Guide to Uploading Pics I mostly use imgur as it is simple so I'm gonna be using it as example. P.S. - I do not have access to post in guides so posting in strategy. 1.Download Imgur 2.Sign up with FB or Gmail 3.Upload Your Pics 4.Copy the link 5.Open in Google Chrome and Open image in New Tab 6.Copy the image link from Google Chrome 7.Upload in forums by uploading pic Sometime ago imgur put a stop to directly uploading the pic from their website. So you have to get the full link from google by using step 4 and 5. Enter your pic link between the codes [imgfit*] your url.jpg[/imgfit*] without the asterisk (*) 8.Difference - step 7 1st way and 2nd way Enjoy!
Probably should've cropped some of those images.....but yeah, looks fine. It shows up differently on iOS though.