New Feature Suggestion

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Campus, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. Idea: Multiple Hit Button

    Ok, so I understand it's been suggested before in various ways and I am by no means the first. However, I wanted to post this information to see how others feel about the ideas? I found myself wishing that there was a feature that should be a thing by now. A Multiple Hit Button.

    Hitting Parties
    Having a feature like the Multiple Hit Button in parties would allow a player to hit 5x or 10x on a bar, not repeatedly tap their screen 20 times. Even a one hit unload button would be nice? It seems redundant at this point and kind of unnecessary that such a feature doesn't exist. I understand the need for keeping a one hit per tap button, but why not expand on that?

    Having a button that allows players to gift a selected item 5x would improve the gifting feature. I find myself often spending too much time trying to send multiple gifts to one person. Why not allow players to gift items like shards, for example, at the rate of 5 or 10 times at once?

    This is just a thought I had about improving gameplay and I wanted to see what other players thought about this. Feel free to comment and offer your own ideas on the subject as well. I had to get some help in posting this, as I never have before, but thank you @Day for your help and willingness to give me pointers and advice. 💕💕
    -TheRealCampus 💕💋
  2. 1) no support. Don't be lazy.

    2) this is what trading is for, and new gifts only ever have a max of 20 which means you don't have to do as much gifting as, say, when there would be a max of 50 or 100. Devs give us less, more expensive gifts for this reason and it's good enough.

    Also a player can only hold 10 gifts at a time. So when you log in to gift them, you would only have to press send once? The devs could just make a gift worth 100b with a max of one to achieve the same result.

    I don't see the point of such a high degree of automation. I think suffering is worth it.
  3. I don't see the point of such a high degree of automation. I think suffering is worth it. You actually feel some accomplishment after gifting.

    Also if devs reverted the energy system on parties like they should, we'd be back to the days of pattern hitting, and then any suggestion of such an update would be stinking ridiculous. A 1-hit unload doesn't let people hit you for long enough before you become dtw again. Don't you want the rush of logging into pimd, seeing inc being sent, and then frantically trying to hit them faster than they can hit you before rehiring your tuts?

    I think this would detract a lot from the experience of pimd.
    _Pristine_ and Campus like this.
  4. Usually I'd say something about "I like how you're thinking" but I don't. The more standard stuff a.t.a automates, the more exclusive new content for spending players they produce.

    Make the standard game more involved, less AFK'able.

    Plz make suggestions for how a.t.a can cherish the core of the game and perfect it rather than simply saying "Do that automatically and now focus on this other new fandango". 😁

    OP, it's clear that you're bored of it and see it as tedious. This is why you chose to make this thread. Would you like it to be more involved and fun? Or do you just want to not have to send gifts and not have to party? Because you could just forgo them yourself. Is the energy bar fun? Does it spark joy in you or is it a pest and something to be defeated quickly?
  5. Okay a simple no support with a few suggestions would've been fine instead of basically attacking me 🤣 also, i mentioned nothing about PvP options, although that's an important factor to consider. I appreciate your opinions however and im happy to hear others.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. And the next thing you'll be asking for would be to get a party completed in one tap with full payout. Don't be lazy op.
  7. Oh no we need a ul button. How else could we pimd while running to catch a train?????!!!!
    -Harvey_Specter- and Campus like this.
  8. Personally it is a good idea especially when you are busy with work/kids etc. But the main problem is that they probably also end up increasing the rewards for the quests as it will end up being easier to get drops. So i don't think ATA is willing to allow it. It may be "lazy" but there are also a thing called busy life
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  9. This is a game? Games are for playing when you’re not busy. If life’s to chaotic to hit a button for 20 seconds we should probs set the game down.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. It actually depends on your phone which can take about 2 minutes. Also there are quite a few games that also have this feature lol but hey this is all about our personal perspectives don't need people having fighting over other people's point of view. It just would be a good idea to have even though it's for only like x5. Would definitely reject about finishing parties in 1 tap though. They can also make it with that button, they will get less damage/drop per hit or something to even it out.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. I think being able to gift something multiple times is a good idea. Maybe like if you have multiple if one item you can type in the amount you want to gift, like you can do in trading and in the store. It would just be easier not to have your gifts spammed and just have a notification that says “player1234 sent you 13 ares shards”. And don’t say that you can trade instead of gift because trading is trading and gifting is gifting. There’s a distinct difference and the line shouldn’t be blurred.