New Fan Fic characters 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *blondie11 (01), May 19, 2011.

  1. Hello all!!! I am blondie (also known to some people as Alexandra) I am making a fan fic soon  and guess what??? I need characters!!!

    Ok, I'm not talking 5 characters im talking possibly 30!!! Pretty crazy eh?! Some of those roles won't be humongous roles though. They will be what we call Extras  they will still be an important role of course. So I need 2 main boy roles that will be my campainans (spelt that wrong I think ) the girl role is filled with Qin  I need someone to play my father and mother (won't be big roles either until some point) I need 3 main bad people. 1 will be a boy and 2 evil girls. I also need 8 more evil roles  there is 1 main boy character, but Im making his name up, he's my lover haha 

    So tell me your name you prefer, what you are like and what you want to be and I will choose and post the names before I make the fan fic.

    The fan fic will mostly be a fantasy about immortaility, love, action (might need ideas for that!) and many more things. If you have any cool ideas or anything wall me or PM me  also feedback will be good  i wont be a huge writer posting everyday 5 times a day though. Every once in a while I will add more to the story 

    This better be in the right section... It BETTER!
  2. Hooray!!!!!!!!! It's in the right section now!!!!!

    Name: Danny
    Description: Messy black hair, short, tan, skinny, brown eyes, black hoodie, gray jeans, black DC sneakers, crooked grin, red and blue 3D glasses, backwards baseball cap
    Personality: Tough, out-going, friendly, happy-go-lucky, will do anything to help friends, sometimes clumsy
    Qualities: Ninjalike, doctor skills, loves science, good at breaking codes and locks, likes to fool around with electronic devices, smart

    I am ninja.

    There we go! 
  3. I can't copy how
  4. Can I be an evil girl
    Name: Alexis
    Appearance: medium brown hair dark brown eyes short
    Personality: funny super smart
  5. Evil girl
    Appearance: long blond hair w/ florescent red streaks, dark black biker boots, black fishnets, black super short torn skirt, torn black shirt, black biker gloves, pale white skin, black lipstick, black eyeshadow, bright red eyes(or pale blue),
    Personality: nice scene (gothic emo and peppy, cheer captain, quiet, hates attention, is
    Rly nice and flirtatious.
  6. Thanx copy paste lol
  7. Oh and blondie? I have a Boston Red Sox hat. Jack
  8. I WANNA BE BAD! lol.
    Name: Adelynn
    Age: (whatever you decide)
    Hair: black, loose curls and long
    Eyes: bright pale blue (husky eyes)
    Height: 5'5"

    Personality: blunt. Commanding, with an air of confidence. She is quick and witty.

    Physical appearance: she looks fragile, but her movements are graceful and fast. She is thin, toned, and mysterious. Her skin has a golden tanned and her face is always blank.
  9. There are 3 groups in this story: the Immortals, the Origionals, and the Specials. I forgot to mention the Origionals, I need at least 8-10 people for them. They will not be mentioned until certain parts usually.
  10. Alright roles booked so far!

    Best friend (girl)- Qin
    Best friend (guy)- Jack in a bocks
    Main evil villan(guy)- Danzo
    Main evil villan(girl)- Adelynn
    Extra evil girls- triscuit and 1hadmad1
    Boyfriend- (random name) Damon

    I still need many more  so keep em roles coming!!!

    Blondie out for now 
  11. Name: Ever
    Height: 5'7
    Eyes: hazel brown kinda gold
    Hair: thick curly dark brown
    Personality: sarcastic, cunning, playful, and smart

    You can ads whatever you like to my character. I wanna be a main evil girl if I can thank you
  12. Looks: wears darks colors reds, blacks, greys, purple, and navy blue. Wears dresses a lot and heels loves to be the center of attention
  13. :0 can I be important?!

    6'2", tan, strong, brown hair that flips to the side (I have posted a couple pics of me on "player photos" on the active threads) I am a jock, but not a player. I hate being mean to girls. And I love football
  14. Good girl.

    Name: Shelby

    Looks: short brown hair, brown eyes, beautiful lips.

    Personality: pretty, funny, tomboy, and she's a stripper
  15. I wanna be important!
  16. I'll be the mum. 

    Name: Jodiiee

    Age: I'm 17, but there's no way im being a mum at 17, so i'll be 38.

    Looks: Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5"6, slightly tanned, wears jeans and shirts.

    Personality; Smart, kind, honest, over- protective, caring.

    Hobbies: Baking cakes.

    I'd like to have quite a main-ish part if that's okay. :3
  17. That's right. The ninja is evil this time. >:] Adylenn and I will kick your sorry ***!
  18. Name:richelle LENTZ
    Description:pink bow around neck,a white blouse,gray skirt and heels. Hair:black w/sea blue streaks.

    Character:sweet nice girly.
    Her special ability is to turn invisible when she wants. Note:last name would have been partivi if she wasn't married.
  19. Alright  im done picking roles. Any extra roles I need, I will pick random names and characters.

    Here are the roles!!!

    Danzo-main evil role- Danny
    Jack In A Bocks- main friend boy role-Jack
    Triscuit-extra evil girl-Alexis
    1hadmad1-extra evil girl-Alexis
    Adelynn-main evil girl villan- Adelynn
    Shandi0707-main evil girl villan- Everi
    Charlie202- main friend boy role- Charlie
    Shelby2000-extra evil girl-Shelby
    Jodilee-mother- Jodiiee
    MORDICI-extra evil girl- Richelle

    Alright I'll start making the prologue  bye guys! Thanks for everyone who is participating in the the story.

    Blondie out! 