Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *__supermonkey__ (01), Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Gangs At War aka GAW it comes out next week u guys as exited as me!!!
  2. Seriously? 
  3. yah im not lying i hope its not like kaw though
  4. aw man i forgot

  5. offense should get a life..who gets that excited about a game 
  6. I doubt it. Thats the dumbest name and I hate kaw. if it was real it ahould be like fc. no beggars pr volley clubs.
  7. I think ATA should just spend the time they made in making that game on improving PIMD 
  8. i do have a life im just wmexited
  9. No its real. They had posts on it on twitter
  10. Pbm, FC is the abused child of the three atas. Of course there aren't people asking for hires because the community is so pissy all the time, and the game blows so it's not like kaw or pimd xD. Oh, and btw, FC people still do pwars.
  11. Wow. pimd isnt even 1 year old. They made pimd when fc was 1 year. whats ip with this shit
  12. GAW?


  13. The pic is all whites 

    Not really a gang without blacks ... More like an ethnic meeting then
  14. Royale, thats because pimd is full of pervs and kaw is full of volley
    me noobs. Now whats so bad about good ol fc? Nuttin.
  15. GAW?

    I'm sorry but that's the dumbest thing I've heard

    How about something more creative

    And I lied not the dumbest thing I've heard.. Just today.. Other then farming
  16. Fc blows
  17. What about GITA?

    Gangsters in the alley?

    Time for 4 letter names don't u think?
  18. Wait pimd 4 letter game nvm :|
  19. Boo Jackie your not funny. Get off the stage 
  20. That sounds awesome 