My PimD Story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BunanzaTheBunny (01), Sep 12, 2011.

  1. So today I was checking my 'Teacher's Pet' award, when something caught my attention.

    There was no longer a number telling me when I achieved the award. It just says 'Long Ago'. So I decided to tell you all what has happened in my PimD life up until now.

    I was browsing around the App Store on the day I got my iPod, looking for some fun. My nerd instincts led me to the Roleplaying section, and I started browsing. After downloading two apps I didn't like, a pair of boobs caught my attention. I read through the description, read some reviews, and thought "Damn, this seems like a social app, I should get it'.

    Imagine a PimD with hardly any pervs, no social button, no T3. That's how it was when I joined.

    When I first started the game, I knew NOTHING. I just did jobs, over and over, until I discovered 'Clubs'. Apparently, a club was like a second family, where you could talk amongst yourselves and such. On Campus, I posted:

    New player, expecting to play for a while. Looking for a club.

    Around four people posted on my wall, telling me to join their club. After looking at all the club descriptions, I decided to join 'ThE ToP BaLleRs', a small club with around 10 people.

    They accepted me quick, and all the active members immediately introduced themselves. From what I can remember, they were Bigjohn,Iron,and Dcrossley. These were my friends for my first few days on PimD, and taught be the basics of the game.

    After a week or two of playing, I met two new people. Isabella-Hope and Ridicule. They were easily the most relaxed, and funny people I knew at the time. We spoke all through the day and late into the night.

    Our little club grew to be in the top 20s. I was an admin, and the original members were still in. I had met IKHLAQ, who was my owner for around a hundred days.

    But our little fantasy couldn't last long. Suddenly, our co-owner and biggest member, Iron, left. Along with him, Ridicule and Isabella. The owner, Bigjon, gave the club to a random person, and left. I was left alone.

    I didn't log in for a month. I missed my old friends, but they all seemed to have left. Then, I discovered the forums.

    The forums were amazing at the time. Everyone was having a good time, and all threads had (some) point. But I never posted, just watched everyone converse from afar.

    After a few days of this, I decided to post. Nobody replied, but I still posted. I made friends, and stuck with Em for long time, mostly players like Adelynn, AaronRodgers, and Sophieclairr (best three way phone calls EVER)

    Then, the forums died. All the good players left, and new players invaded. We got spammed a couple of times, but we stuck together.

    I joined The Forumers and met some pretty cool people, such as Dittle, Qin, Rebecca-Rose, and Bonnieblue. Pretty chill club.

    After around 2 months of being in The Forumers, a group of people I knew made 'The Pack', easily the best club I've ever been in. We spoke 24/7, and became best friends. We had a good time. But all good things must come to an end, and we fell apart.

    I dunno what happened after this, I just went on forums, made 500 clubs or so. Had a good time. Met people like Deviants, Azarah, My_Apoc,DarkRose, and others.

    That's pretty much it. My PimD Story. Is it sad that I got emotional writing this?

  2. No, i did too...
    And i was in forumers what happened?
  3. Dayummm you have a good memory
  4. Nobody remembers Cash 
  5. Didn't include meeting me.... Tsk tsk :lol:
    Just kidding
  6. I remember cash... You were the kid who's grandfather died so you named your PIMD account for him and his love for Johnny cash. And everyone hated you for awhile. But -Sailor- loves you <3
  7. I forgot when I met you, Sexy_Warrior69 xD
  8. You meet me in July when you made your first guide. I joined in April...
  9. And they still hate me !!! About 12% of pimd likes me 
  10. It had to be before...



    I can't remember. Probably when you said...
  11. I don't hate you cash. I still remember when you were in my club
  12.  that is a very accurate percentage cash
  13. Lol you were fighting with officially_your's cause she was trolling you
  14. Oh yeah that club... I still hate her...
  15. ...I see.
  16. Wow i read it I never read forums

    I'm a |\|()()B and proud of it
  17. Whoa wat about our good times? before the fighting