My general observation:

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SJ-Yellow_Snowman, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. I think sxual_me is on her period. She cracked it at me and got me silenced for jokingly saying 'post' three times on her wall.

    YES, I know this is considered spam. I don't care about your negative opinions. I just think she overreacted and needs to take into consideration the seriousness of the act taken.
  2. You don't abide the ToU, thats your problem. You get silenced 

    Simple as ABC.
  3. Read the fourth sentence. Kthxbai.
  4. Really? Ur at it again sweetcandy!!! Nobody cares for YOUR OPINION NOOB!!
  5. SJ
  6. Shay
  7. Sj, ive never knew you....but damn, shes been being mean/ignoring me for weeks now anyways i know your pain.

    ~The one who wants your babies~
  8.  the one who wants your babies  lmao omg  sj  you gonna get lucky  haha
  9. A never ending period?  Jeez no wonder she's a stuck-up, arrogant, moody, self obsessed person.
  10. Lol, sounds about right.

    ~The one who wants your babies~
  11. I don't care if she ignores me, frankly I'd rather not have her presence(sp?) here on PIMD.
  12.  mel got u silenced SJ?  lol sorry but thats funny  i think she is ignoring everyone and getting angry all the time... two possible reasons:
    1. shes on a never ending period like u already said or
    2. shes pregnant 
  13. If she's pregnant I feel sorry for the father. She probablygets mad at him 24/7.
  14. I didn't no you can get pregnant on your period 
  15. Maybe it's because her period never ends so she can't give birth.

  16. I feel for sxual. ._.

    When I was on mine, I overreacted so much that me and somebody got into a farm war. e.e

    Fail. ;n;
  17. 
  18. shes not on her period or pregnant... her cancer came back 