My fifty cents (51 bc of inflation)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Esraa195, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. Soo cute how there's a forum thingie thing on here. Wasn't sure what to categorize this as. Off topic will do for now until I become more familiar. Before I go on an even longer tangent THEY GOT HIJABI AVATARS ON HERE??? BLESSSSS w the representation I love it. I feel heard, seen, touched, carried idek but I will be using this avatar forever

    So this game is so damn confusing. Rp = role play and a bento is this thing people keep wanting. Ima get the hang of it soon tho, TRUSTTT.
    I know what's NOT confusing tho, how there's about 5 personality types I've seen today (so far).

    1. The avatars with the big stats but like 7 friends. I noticed the people in the millions got like 4 people added always. Is this a status thing? Is this like the equivalence of a discord mod or like an ROTC kid thinking they're cool. Idk but I wanna know (unironically). so interesting. And they talk in all lowercase too (?). Ima call it ariana grande-core for now until I find a better name. Yuh

    2. Bots. I'm talm bout those avatars that keep asking about rp-ing? Where tf does this even go down? In these forums? Where are yall role playing that hard??????? Insane

    3. Merchants. They're always either buying or selling something. Rent must be due idk but it doesn't even make sense bc no ones collecting rent for these dorms. Watchall using the money for?

    4. The avatars who are fishing soooooo damn hard for some sympathy OR they act like cartoon characters. Saw one avatar say "it w w w w w would be nice to have a man." are you stuttering over text??? You glitched? Lmao that's crazy

    5. Tik tok avatars. They talk in fake aave and quote tik toks. One said "we gon finna see". I'd be lying if I said I didn't cringe. Enough said for this one.

    Does anyone fit in with this? Maybe I'll add more if I stick around longer. In the meantime I'll learn how to have a war. Whatever tf that means ????
    Valevale, Kefo and KitCat04 like this.
  2. We tried to get em in here but sadly it's mostly in DM's and dedicated roleplaying clubs :(
    Forums is perfect for it tho.

    Pretty good cultural observations from pub.
    There are other stereotypes but they require more experience and knowledge of the game.

    I liked your descriptions of ariana grande-core, merch-core, and thirst-core the most. :)

    I am abstractly aware that TikTok people are everywhere in society but I think it takes one to know one or to discriminate between levels of TikTok poisoning so I think I have you squared 😂

    Welcome to forums ❤️