Mrs. Pimd October

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *K3l0n (01), Oct 9, 2011.

  1. I was sitting down one day and I was like why not have a Mr
  2. I was sitting down one day and I was like why not have a Mr
  3. ...the and sign doesn't work in forums and cuts off your message
  4. I was sitting down one day and I was like why not have a Mr
  5. Thanks
    So this SUCKSSSSSS

  6. Lol it does. And you're welcome
  7. It's more awkward that he can't spell 'awkward'.
  8. 
  9.  ~ New signature? 
  10. Hmmmmm...I like it 
  11. Or maybe:
  12. Hmmmmm...the top one 
  13. Yesss that one
  14. Cool. New signature! Thanks! 
  15.  you're welcome. It's sexy.  
  16. Like you and you're priesting skills. 
  17.  awwwww thanks 

  18. Welcome. 