mortal kombat rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by the_destroyer, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Ok so you are a martial artist and you have been called upon by the elder gods to defend earthrealm from evil. Alternately you can be a villain called upon by the evil emperor of outworld shao khan. You can make a character or use a character from the mk games if you know any

    For created characters
    Fighting style:

    For existing characters (ill use my character as an example)
    Fatality: toasty
    Animality: a scorpion
    Special move: spear kata
  2. I know you just came back and all, but you got to try harder than that 
  3. This is cause I've been playing a ton of mk
  4. Extend on it a bit
  5. Shao khans army is invading earthrealm. Raiden god of thunder summons his mighty warriors of good the white lotus, the Lin kuei, scorpion of the shirai ryu, nightwolf of outworld,
    Sonya blade and Jackson (jax) Briggs, Johnny cage. Meanwhile shao khan rallies his own warriors the tarkata, baraka, mileena, jade, kintaro, goro, quan chi, Shang tsung, the undead specters of the shirai ryu, and noob saibot the specter of the elder sub zero of the Lin kuei
  6. You might want to explain what all that is. Just a suggestion. 
  7. There are different realms of existence shao khan wants to fuse the realms of earth and outworld. The remaining four realms are chaos realm, netherrealm, the order realm and edinia the allies of earth realm are edinia and chaos realm whilst outworld is allied with only the netherrealm
  8. I am so confused. 
  9. I thought 'Kombat' was spelt 'Combat'??
  10. Not very experienced with mortal combat
  11. Haha youre back thinking most of us forgot you and you still dont know how do make rps
  12. Haha leave him, he's not one of the elders unlike me
  13. This is an rp based on a game if you played the games it would make sense but I doubt many of you have and I know how to make a successful rp but I'm not going for successful I'm going for what I enjoy
  14. You should.make everything easier for ppl or do a type of spinoff
  15. Succesful my ass ive seen a lot of your rps few get more than 2
  16. You have not seen my oldest ones so kindly shut your trap and leave if you just want to troll
  17. Haha i have! I was there when you first came "COLLIN"
  18. Goldia leave now
  19. Goldia? Hahaha, oh i remember her, hated her at first but then her anger started getting funny she insulted pretty smartly didnt she? Not retarded crap, i take that as a compliment! Oh but dont worry im not Goldia, until you guess who i am i shall not leave
  20. You will leave because I have asked you to