More New Shards???

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by JoyBoy, Nov 25, 2022.

  1. Other than the ones that are obvious from the shop with the wings, from the EC parties, I got a couple of marble shards, are those accidental or will we get more info later? What do you think?
    Gossamer and BowDollaz like this.
  2. Yess sir, this sun marble shards look promising
  3. I think more info later. Some things they said wouldn’t be announced yet but will be announced each day at 12pst. So I think these may be like the tarots bc they say collect 800 and use an activator. Maybe a whole solar system set??
    Gossamer likes this.
  4. New shards for the year. My hopes are high for Venus
  5. It’s the 800 year-long avi shards. Don’t sweat it