first of all i'm not copying blizzard or cjs with this _____________________________ welcome I will be covering-starting out, allies, clubs, later game etc _____________________________ starting out when you first get the game you'll get a starting "free dorm and a free lv1 t1". now this might get you, mmm twenty bucks a hit. the first thing you NEED to do before anything is GET 1000 STATS. do this by doing jobs or, for mister" SPARTA" you could fight which, beings you don't have 1000 stats or tuts(tutors) well, good luck. once you've gotten brave enough to be social and have 1000 stats, it's time for a club. I suggest a club that will not only volley you, but volley WITH you. once you've landed in your dream club, your gonna probably have a war. this war is VITAL (if you don't have a war it's fine just hit a bunch) to get to max plunder!!!!!!( what's max plunder you say? patiance young one I shall tell you later. don't even THINK about upgrading until your at mp!!!!! once their you should be makin about 60k a hit...srry that was when I was small. with your newfound wealth, go use it!( t2 people since you just started) hit people and earn cash and upgrade BUT becareful to ALWAYS BE AT MAX PLUNDER!!once you _____________________________ ALLIES these are the most important aspect to making $.here are some terms mp=max plunder= you are making the most money you can per hit( to find if your at mp hit someone( at full health) record the $ you make then hire a one thousand ally and hit the same person again. if that number changes slightly ur not at mp yet. volley=two players (or more) hiring the same person back and forth. this greatly benifits the person who doesn't keep the tut because you earn money everytime a tut is hired from you(the greater the value the more money earned) it also benifits the person keeping cuz they now have a mp Allie or a stat Allie. the person getting vollied earns money everytime thier hired ( it caps at one mil) stat Allie= an Allie that is hired for thier stats (bosen would be an example. you prob couldn't hire her if you arnt at mp) plunder Allie= someone who is hired for the soul purpose of plunder(stats don't matter) mixed Allie= Allie that is hired both for plunder and for stats tut= tutor *note* you are hiring real people when you hire an ally ___________________\\__________ CLUBS clubs are a vital part of the game because you can find friends, acsess to private chat, have wars, and volly with people now everyone knows how cheap it is to make a club but I recommend not making a club until you know the ups and downs of the game. once you have 1000 stats as previously stated, it's time to join a club. any club that will actually help you is good. once there, learn to volley, how to war, and you know, play pimd in a community! ______________________________ LATE GAME once you have great stats and a good club, your gonna realize fighting ain't cuttin it. the best way to make money from here Is to volley a person in your club. or a friend. or some random guy you found. when volleying from 1000 to 30mil you make about three mil if you don't keep the tut. if you do well, you keep it. once you have a good little system going, you can have huge wars were 9bil is made. if and when you get bosen stats, you kinda just volley a TON. if you get farmed, declare war on that little ****** club! don't go crying ha1fam0nk3y FARMED ME guys what should I do. no. I'll just farm you more for saying that. after all this is a fighting game but it's a GAME SO HAVE FUN! OTHER KEY WORDS ra=resident advisor=people chosen by the devs to monitor other people so that they don't bypass dev= developer= maker of the game at a thinking ape ata=a thinking ape ffm( often seen as f f m to avoid filter)= free photo message app that houses 40 year old pęrvs trying to assault you bypass= cussing, giving personal info, etc filter= the no bypass thing that **** bad words stripping=hiring all a persons tut then farming that person of all that money farming= hitting the same guy more then 5 times in 24 hours pwar= plunder war( not availinble in pimd) lb= leader boards pots= potions bought at the store to help defend or attack t1= first set of buildings t2= second set of buildings t3= third set of buildings t4= fourth set of buildings( req 18 dorms bought) dorms= place to build crew crew= the people you build main screen= first screen your on sub screen= drag your finger left on the main screen to get to there pimd= the app ur in kaw= kingdoms at war( another ata game) fc= future combat( another ata game) troll= someone who lives under a bridgelol sumone who goes to threads and just decimates them trolls ill solve ur riddle so stay off. no joke i spent an hour on this. please comment on anything I can improve. I know a bunch but please don't hate on this. uhhh other then that thanks for reading /
Nice! The onlt thing, is to make it less boring, not just text. Add a bbcode or spaces/emoj in there occasionally