money cheats how you do that

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *sexybrooklyngal (01), May 6, 2013.

  1. Do jobs, farm and make it yourself
  2. There's no such thing, unless you wanna pay  that's kinda cheat
  3. spending is not cheating it's actually paying for you to play for free
  4. I said kinda  it's not exactly a cheat , but if you're looking for a way to move up fast you can kinda consider it as one
  5. It's like saying printing out your essay is cheating. When you could do all the work and write it on paper. Makes no sense.
  6. On another note nice bypass in your name op ?
  7. Whoa it's different inside the thread than it is on the outside
  8. Not a bypass, it's a YGS reference  wait a minute, it's a bypass. 
  10. I pay so I can gift coolstuff, and dn to help clubs. I think that's kind of cheating, but don't really care. I play obsessively. Sorry if this offends some.