Read abbey_mae's wall. Brendan678 keeps annoying us all at the daboops angels please silemce him. He bypassed on abbeys wall
He's bypassing on all of the angels walls and it really hurts my feeling I don't appreciate being called these things he has called me lots of other things but I've deleted them thanx mods and than win
Wow! SNITCHES really get on my nerves find something better to do then 'tattle' on all the bad little boys of pimd!lmao
Hey! U srry idk ur name. But we r asking coz it was relevent to us. Please dont troll and fyi he was silenced. THANKYOU MODS
Striker, go get a girlfriend This guy has mental issues. Get a mod to look at your wall. They won't respond too fast though. That time I walled two mods to look at my wall because someone had bypassed there, the two mods never responded