mods I have an issue

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *jt3thedopness (01), Sep 20, 2011.

  1. Hey
    How can I help you?
  2. Umm how you doin soo um of I was to reset would I lose my silence
  3. No resetting does not lose silences. Sorry, I'm not a mod.
  4. I'm doing good thanks what about u?

    no reseting would change the silence
  5. Oh but that's just a queastion. The issue is I have no mod friends
  6. Spiny is right
    Resetting would change your silence yes, but it will not DELETE all your wall posts, awards will not be changed, all your extra credits and your crew will be gone.

    And spiny I just wanted to say keep up the good work :)
  7. If u reset you are unsilenced? 
  8. No it won't the silence will still be there. I think spiny meant 'wouldn't' not 'would'.
  9. Thx for clearing that up rose 
  10. Oh sorry spelling mistake I wanted to write 'wouldn't'
    Thanks rose for correcting
  11. You should see a doctor about that