NEW VS OLD: BATTLE FOR MOD CRATES ROSTER Who will be the best warriors in all of pimd? Will it be the old players who have experienced warring? Will it be the new players who are hungry for glory? PRESENTING THE TEAMS *Team Names are also the club names*
Old School Team A -_A_-JuJu -_A_-Legwarmers -_A_-Roshi -_A_-Ross -_A_-SeaMonkey -_A_-udacious _greensanbori_ _PromisedOldSoul_ 1NS4N1TY A_LouisVuittonX-Bastards A_SalvatoreFerragamoX-Bastards -AD_Mr_Celtic-Cross_ Adrien -Arctic_Hottie- Atychiphobic Beryl- BigJohnFyi Bl4zingSun CaptainCatfisher Chap Chuto cUpCaKeKiLLeR -DaMuthaF__inBEAST- Deadly-Sassy_Biiatch Devilish-_-TheDarkSide Deviously_NishA Divinity -DS_Your_Liberty- FiftyShadesOfDiablo -FizNightwing- -Gia_Gotti- go_big_magic_mime -HaIbee- hOrO-wwangtta- iBiGGPOPSTiCK -IchibanBaka_LyeaRyez- IIIllllIIIIKRAZYIIIIllllIII -iLetHerDrownInMySnow- -iLetSnowFallOnMyFace- -InCrediBelle- iNeilTheSpeedyTurtle InFamousEvilPuppy InFamousJudgeNoelle Innocent_Keif iQueenJingleYourBells ISpy_plain-CrAzEd Jackie33 Jardy Kaneki Kate-KiLling_You_4_Fun KAYE Kefo KimPine Krizelda KylieJenner LazyChiky LazyKingOfTheNorth LazySenpai Lina MakeMeSnow -MOB-FullerGirl -NEGativity- Nita NUCE O1melody Odysseys -OG_GHOST- P5-Bonita_ PerfectlyImperfect permada Q-_myQ_Qym_-Q -QueenKarla-HotButPsyc_OH_ Reina SARCASTIC Sinderella SnowFairy Sophia StanTheTallMan Su SuckingCandy Terrible Twinklet0es -Valeen Vei VESTIGE Vulpecula Whitney Wolf xXxGrim_ReaperxXx ZomerItsMeKits Old School Team B _-__i__Jack__Love__Animals__-_ __WaPehMegiLuTakmoPow__ -_A_-CareBearCrystal -_A_-FlowSoSick -_A_Monki_Gives_Spankings -_A_-SamHall _InSaNe_ -119-_A_-War-Fairy- ALGORlTHM Ashw Batty BTS-JeonJungkook CantonGirl-PHEi Chloe_A_Country_Gal clickclickBOOM -CnC_MrPresident- CrazyReD CrescentMoon Dill-Pickles Dumber_Versace Dunja Engkres ERAN-GREEN -FAM-_____Mr-Glockaa_____-FAM- -Faze Hacker0fHearts Holmes HOLO-Shingo I_CatWoman_I I_Josh_Am-King IdontLikeEmos iJhermWill-UN-tieYourHands iKrazy iZoey Jojo-bananas Keiko Korsett La_Esmeralda laillidliilnilhliallsilhliliml Lea Legend_Ratatouille_Hustler Legendary_Beast_88 -Lei- lIlIllIBanglIlIllI LittleGlitterSparkles llIllQu1nt3554lIlIll12053lIlIl lnconsistent -MADAM- Malevolence Mariyiana --Master_Lance-- MAXIMUS-Sabel MAXlMUS-Carliesle MAXlMUS-Estarossa MAXlMUS-Faye MAXlMUS-Madrid McL-ovin MiaKhalifa -MoB-Hyunjin -MrSmash_De_Saison- -MrsSmash_De_Saison- Nami-swaan Noah Overdose-Drugging_You_2_Death Pete pinkskieslany Queen -RADEN_BagusIngarso- Rona Royal_Teekee SexyBellyDancer Soul Soumadeep SourGummyBear talkinggoldfish the-bee theimportanceofbeing-earnest- -TriciaPo0h- Tweak U4EA viviian VT-SPANX Watson WildFireAJ Yanj Old School Team C -_A_-sshole -_-C17H13ClN4-_- _-pussydaddy-_ _Rev_ Goodbye ACEATHENA ap32 Aria Arxel -Ashliee- -ATC-ll-EllaBells-ll-GREEN AustrianSamurai1 Brooklyttt BurnzyofTheHiddenLeaf CA-SoniaRose-CA Cassandra99 Catalina -caylee CHAlLATTE Champagne_Freak Cheeesecake CheerBear Cifita cuteviper DA-pandabear- DEGENERATION DevilCid Dion_ ElIlVlIILlIlNDIlSlGlIUIlISIlIE FadedNeon FI-_EVESTAR_-FI Fionna FodaMoreau Geisha Hollywood_Undead- I_dunno iAllyCantDrive iKxngGxngerTerminated-SBS- ili_Mr_iliINVIiliNCIBiliBLEili -Immortals-Wallace iThe_DuchessOfLove iWar JoiTotheworld -Kalabasasasa- KEZEM Kiera Kori Kraaab Lifeless lIIll__VanillaBae__lIllI llllsaralinallll lMAXIMUSl LondonRapper LordBattleStar lpau_Grinding-Onya_-_ mad_hatters_princess Mami_KrisStaysWet -MANHATER- MAXlMUS-Berlin Meanie melinda_182 MustardCat Noctis_Caelum o0o0__Harlow_-_Lilith__0o0o -OLRAC- OoOo--BlueSkyyy--OoOo -PAGAL- -Passive_Aggressive_Red_Panda- PT-tabaCHINGching raisu RamenNoodles Rayz Satanic_Scorpio Shiraishi SquishyBaby tattooed_dezi TheFishyDeadDolLs -TORA- -TPR_dArtagnan- TR0UBL3M4K3R Transcendence T-S-U-B-A-S-A unknown Vindex X xDisgrace x-lucid-dreamsz-x XxXSavage_Biisshh_KrissyXxX Yumenoka Zaidy -Zix-
New Crew Team A _DanseMacabre_ _FrostySunshine -_LL_ISYD_LL- _THE-ARR0W -_-WiZard-_- -_-WolfQueen-_- _Xyrus-D-Virus_ 1NS4NITY -Altair -Ashley_Gotti- -Beau- CherryNova CocoEleanor Coley David -DeadFishSt3amSt3am- Death_By_SnuSnu Deviously_DaddyAF Deviously_Stef DM_HisHarley_SN DoRkYsKiLlEr Eiza ElectricRay -i_Rawey_Will_RocK_uR_world- EvilHamster -FAM-______WAR-TUT______-FAM- Goddess-_-TheDarkSide Heidilicous Trashieee HoYook_ -iB_TheKingofHearts- iBlair_ Ice_Ice_Baby IH--SexyChef--IH iLegendaryNOOB-haveSAPOYOpupil IlIlIlIlIlNoBoDyIlIlIlIlIl -iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa- iMidnight ImTheDevilInHerAngelEyes InFamousMistressMina iNinaKissUrNfs iRoxi_KeepHimUpAtNight -Isana- JeTaime Juan JudgeSteph KF-Tinkbell kierra_babe KimberIy KingSher Kink Klaudia Knight_KiLling_You_4_Fun LazyKiera Liangelus lIlIllV3NG3ANC3lIlIll lmChillin Loca Mahamudul MAIA Meghan Miksza Mil MrWhiskers Nicoolest Nikki P5-Velmay-Doo Panda-KiLling_You_4_Fun Pearl Rae raktim_roy RiotDiva Rosaline SarahMoreau Sassy Sez -Silent_Blackcat- Slaylei Slimmie SN-Ieo Tobias TriggaTre Twinkletoes UnicornQK Wednesday -Wisteria- X3nia Xailiah XPerfectly_ImperfectX Xrjain942 xVenomBandz zoe-the-fiend New Crew Team B ___-iTihor_UTYthunder-___ __-GrandPapi-__ _DA-GODDESS_Nelly _-Kuneho-_ -_lIlIlBlizzard_of_OzzlIlIl_- Ace Ade Ahhana Aku125 Alessandra Alexander AnnaMariaDaniella Antimatter Art Bionic--Angel Clark Daddy_JamesMakesKrisWet Damsel Detention Deviously_Jass Dhiwatah Dianne Eddy Ems_xloth Eriqua EvilAtabei -FAM-_____MrsGlockaa_____-FAM- -FAM-_____MrsWAR-TUT_____-FAM- Fayth FelixFelicis -Fray- -G_baazinga_G- Giselle Hawraa Heather Hydra iArabella ili_MRs_iliINVIiliNCIBiliBLEil IlIusion INS4N1TY -iPrinceOnlyForHer- iRynn ---GolfMoreau--- Jane1839 Kevin l__MyMiddleFingerSalutesYou__I LazyAssassin Legendary_Ari lIllllllll-_A_-lIllllllll -lIlxIlIMidnight-VeeIlIxlIl- lllIiKF-de-InGlorioUsJokErIlll llll_l_M_l_llll llXl_iRoger_TheBadVampire_lXll Lolli -Lucid_Gotti- LushAura Meliodas MisceIIaneous G-Viper Miss_Toothslayer_Arshi Moist Riley__Riles RiotVamp Robyn Rohan Seairah SeductiveGoddess Skinemax - Joker-KiLling_You_4_Fun --sMoKe__ SN-Meidina SN-MusicAddict Soho Sun Swallow tanu25 TheDefiled UghYaYeah-GREEN V_Noodle_101 Weirdness Xandrene xQuirkyBandz xX_DayDreamz_Xx xX-Moonstone-Xx XxPR0BL3M4T1CxX Yaoi Yvaine Zareena New Crew Team C _-Karma-_ -_DaddyAdamMakinYourNfsWet_- _DA-GODDESS_SweetCreampie _-SoFt_pEppe_rOnii-_ 1NS4N1TY_Phandesal amysticalmyth Arc BARRY_ALAN BearyPotter Celestia -Chan2 Chrystalle2 Clazziquau Damned-_-TheDarkSide danky27 DejaVu Des --Dharmy-- Djarot Draiskulis Emmy EveryFarmerNeedsaHoe galaxxxy Graceloveland Han HelIoKitty Hellommmmm -H-emp-M-arley HotCookie iAteYoTamalesHo iCardi_Sauce iFALLEN-ANGEL iFALLEN-DEMON -IIIIlSmirklIIII- IlIXxXQueenXEnvyXxXIlIl iMoan iPineapple-_TAP_-YourJuice JasmineDy jerky5 Jessie-_- JudgeKodi Julia1762 Kady Kaho Kairanv KATrina Kazuuuto Khalessi162 kiss laxxus lIl_CERBERUS_lIl LissaAnn llIIllITH3-GR1M-R34P3RlIlIlll LlLlLDespedida_HermosaLlLlL MagicalMoreau MAXIMUS-Alfiekins MAXlMUS-Peter mazafaka Merrymelodies- Miguel-O-Hara MistressHex morticia MoyMoreau Mr_Romeoo Mrs_Arden NidzNaddy Painkilla Petra- prettiiGirll23 PUMPKlNSPICE ReeseWithoutHerSpoon Rose4680 -Royal-IDevYourDaddySanta Rustyy -SatoshiNakamoto- Shawn Shota- silversabre Skys_The_Limit SkySelena T0T0 -TayDaddy- Tendies Theseus -Tori- Wolfie XPiiNKx Xx___Lady___xX xXx-N-xXx_Lilith_xXx-L-xXx ---YARROW---
Re: [MOD CRATES]NEW VS OLD WAR IMPORTANT DATES 23 February 2019 SGT 24 hour war Date and Time of Declare: 6:30am SGT - 23 February 2019 4:00am IST - 23 February 2019 10:30pm GMT - 22 February 2019 5:30pm ET - 22 February 2019 2:30pm PT - 22 February 2019 Time of War: 8:00am SGT - 23 February 2019 5:30am IST - 23 February 2019 12:00mn GMT - 23 February 2019 7:00pm ET - 22 February 2019 4:00pm PT - 22 February 2019 RULES 1. NO UPGRADING OR NAME CHANGES AFTER THE SIGN-UP DEADLINE UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO. It is hard enough to match without players constantly changing their stats or their IGN. We would be asking some to upgrading after the deadline to make a match as equal as possible. 2. STRICTLY NO ALTS! Anyone caught using 2 accounts in the war, will be kicked. Give chance to others please. 3. WHATEVER HAPPENS IN WAR, STAYS IN WAR. Keep the smack talk within the war period only. 4. TOU APPLIES TO ALL POSTS MADE BEFORE, WITHIN AND AFTER THE WAR PERIOD. 5. NO VISITORS PLEASE! Only players who made it into the roster will be allowed to enter. 6. Once war starts, you cannot leave the war without valid reasons or emergencies. If you can't make it to the war, inform any organizer NOW so we can find a replacement. DISCLAIMER This war is open to all pimd players. 1. By participating, all entrants acknowledge and agree that they have entered the war out of their own free will, that the full rules and details of the war have been made available to them and they, therefore, understand and agree that the organizers won't be held responsible for hits or tutor strips before, during and after the war. 2. Organizers are not held responsible in securing any temporary CF nor kicking people in rosters for each team. 3. We reserve the right to kick you for any inappropriate or intolerable behaviour that may not be listed in the above-mentioned rules. 4. To ensure fairness of the war itself, we have collaborated with ATA in order to make sure that everyone will be competing based on account growth instead misc bonuses. This means misc bonuses will be disabled during the war. 5. Organizers reserve the right to re-assign any player to balance out the rosters. We want the war to be as fair as possible so do not be surprised if you were suppose to be in one team but ended up in another. We want this event to be fair to everyone who joined and only want to have a fun filled war weekend. Players who break the rules will be given a stern warning. Repeated offenders will be kicked out of the war. QUESTIONS? ASK ORGANIZERS! ORGANIZER TEAM -Ahli-LovesMike -MrSmash_De_Saison- -QUINN- CrazyReD JustMephi JustZomerVlinder PapiCho Sinderella SYN_HerBeLoVeD xXx_-IIl-_Sovereign_-lII-_xXx Team Presidents Old School Team A - Legwarmers New Crew Team A - DorkiesKiller Old School Team B - Dunja New Crew Team B - Eddy Old School Team C - -Immortals-Wallace New Crew Team C - Celestia Please know who your team presidents are so they can guide you where to go. Although Please refrain from posting unnecessary topics not related to war. Thank you.
sorry for the delay! Please let me know if there is someone with 100+mcs stats who wanna war, I need to replace a contender. thank you!