Do you even know how messed up your profile name is? Do you know who Hitler is? Or are you just an immature child that thinks its funny that he was responsible for the massacre of six million innocent people of the Jewish religion?
Congrats on becoming an obvious noobyou win people coming to your useless thread and trolling you Anyone that isn't a complete noob like OP knows that you need to email your application to become a mod to ATA instead of making a thread that they will never bother to read, also the fact that this application is at the level of a pre school child making a application, saying you "think" you'd be good at something doesn't mean you are good at it, if I thought I could flap my arms and fly still doesn't mean I can, just means I've got high hopes like the OP does, lol seems I've just begun to just ramble on and on, so now I'll just leave by saying I'm as bored as a nun at a orgy
._. OP was probably sarcastic... And I was thinking about renaming my alt Hitler, and was gonna write a story about what hitler did after he died.
Ummm there wasn't just one hitler in fact at the start of the war there was 22 he could be referring to any one of those
You COULD have at least stated reasons why you should be a Mod. And you should email the devs. Seriously. This was totally pointless.