Forumers, help me find my new PIMD friend. My waitress at Olive Garden saw me open the app on my date and was like, "Oh, I play that game, too!" but I slammed my phone down and laughed uncomfortably in my shame instead of asking for her ign. RIP me
Not a fan of salads (or soups), but I'll lend my support for supplying salad bc ily. It just better not cause the OG waitress to slack on those breadsticks Have not had this but I must try it next time I go to Olive Garden. If I like it, I'll give you a chibi. Just remind me
Okay, I hear your concerns. Let's lay out our needs. Purg - a good romcom Day - Salad and breadsticks Smartass - Soup and alfredo sauce Muschi and Benzo - Breadsticks Me - all of the above, plus friendship Apparently, I am very needy because I want everything. Lmao