Mineral Pal Names (Pet)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by bbg, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. What name will you give your little Mineral Pal? Mine’s ASAP Rocky  and she a lady
  2. Dwayne the ROCK Johnson
  3. PortaRocky cuz then my dog PortaSpotty can eat him to show dominance
  4. Lmaoo
  5. im gonna name mine stone cold steve austin (after the wrestler lol)
  6. Rolling Stone
  7. Ground ball
  8. Dwayne Johnson.
    Edit: nvm sOmeone had to eDit their comment.
  9. I'm gonna name mine Yoongi
  10. Ima name mine , Meek Mill 
  11. Monstar bc it’s what I had my pet rock named in cellufun lol
  12. That's funny 
  13. Rock Hudson... eh... Showing my age..
  14. I called mine Effy Stonem :lol:
  15. I don't usually rename my pets, but if I do decide to change my rock's name it'll be to n roll.
  16. Pebbles the rock... A smol piece of my heart
  17. I named mine Punk.