Rick: we're doing this again? Me: yes, it's the only way we can pay our rent! Genrald: we talk like idiots for a few minutes. Seems to make sense* Rick: where'd we get the new studio any way? Me: nik built it. Nikolai: in soviet Russia, button presses you, which will be hard for it to do behind bullet-proof glass. Rick: challenge accepted! *bam bam bam* me: put the f***ing gun away! Rick: I will finish this bastard's challenge if it kills me! *bam bam bam* Nikolai: let me show you real fire power, comrade. *TUTUTUTUTUT* Me: put the ak away! The recoil'll kill us! Rick: not before me! Genrald: get your barbarous weapon out of my face! Rick: make me! Genrald: fine. Nikolai: ok, the glass will not break. Me: where did Genrald get your knife!? Nikolai: he needed it to open is gay wine. Me: that could be quite offense to our homosexual audience! Nikolai: arg! Now you talk like the British douche! Rick: ok, you know what we're done. *BAM* Genrald: my leg! Rick: signing out, b****! *click*
Richard: this thread sucks woman fix it Susan: NO Richard: what did u say woman?!? Susan: I said I'm heading back to my closet Richard I am sorry I left plz dont beat me Me: stfu I'm trying to post on this thread