max drop on potd

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iArtLovesAndyCee, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. How can i attain max dropped on ever potd?
  2. Hit a lot
  3. 2 unloads ig?
  4. Hit the party more. Ur hit count is low on partys u should be matching every one elses hits if not hitting more. Also some times u cant get max drops if the party go down fast. U seem to have alot of people in ur club hitting
  5. Tutors play a part in this. Max plunder helps drops it's 15k$ per 1kcs of strength and intelligence and 15b$ per 1mcs of strength and intelligence. So if your stats are 2kcs you will need 30,000$ worth of tuts.
    You're at max plunder easy parties also affect drops. And hit a lot of non money bars it'll give you more hits per party