Mass Erase/open

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by boobookiti, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. Why can't this be a thing? Everyone has thousand+ purses, old boxes, etc. If we have the money and or keys it should be an option. It's simple code at this point like wtf.
  2. Because if hunt boxes could be mass opened it would break hunt leaderboards.
    Hag and Guy like this.
  3. No not everyone does. You are not everyone. And also it will break the server and cause constant crashes when collectathon is on.

    If you really want whats in the boxes then you will spend the time to open them. If you dont then you wont. Its common sense. Its that simple
  4. Right…but I feel like the keys to open boxes are really expensive. Considering there’s so many boxes that can be opened. I’m a new player and have many boxes to open and it’s impossible without having to spend money on the keys. I did that and then opened an Aurora Borelias box as I’ve been dying to get the 999 for that box and I FINALLY got it, then went to my room and it was GONE! I’m so so mad and upset and feel like boycotting the game altogether. I’ve spent way too much in keys trying to open boxes for that damn 999 and then have it taken from me? So unfair. What a waste!!
  5. you can send a ticket to ATA to ask about this, if they check and see that's the case i think they will help you with it^^
    Leigh likes this.
  6. There’s nothing in that post that would need any clarification from ATA or a ticket submitted…
  7. they said they got a 999 from opening boxes and then lost it for no reason so, it might be a bug of rewards not showing or something like that🤨🤔
  8. Sounds like a visual glitch. If its still not there then send a help ticket
  9. How do I do that?
  10. Cog in top left. Help. Chat bubble in top right
  11. Sounds like someone thinks a lot for this game.
  12. Tbh theres no real reason why it cant exist. All their other games have it. But would be interesting to hear why its not added