
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *razer259 (01), Oct 23, 2011.

  1. Since secilywoos was deleted /disappeared /was eaten by lurkers

    I'm makin anew one
    U know the rules

  2. [color=dark green]call a genius[\color]
  3. Hug for being here
  4. Sigh. And tackle.
  5.  up top!!
  6. Three ppl !!

  7. Kiss! (not in rl)
  8. Another thing I wrecked was ur mom razor
  9. Sorry man I wrecked ur mom.
  10. ...tackle
  11. Hug (no homo)
  12. Sorry az I wrecked ur mom too.
  13.  poor her.

  14. T bag razor. :lol: