CURRENT EVENT Marco's Grinch Tale 🎄

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Dec 4, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    Happy holidays, PIMD family! In the spirit of the season, we decided to share the full main story from the “Season of Wishes” hunt.

    After all, our boy Marco worked very hard to write this story for you!

    Gather 'round, ye friends and bros, and listen to Marco as he shares a holiday tale...

    The holidays rule! I like 'em a lot.

    But the Dean of our, that dude does NOT.

    The Dean HATES the holidays! He hates the whole season!

    Hey, don't look at me. I don't know the reason...

    Is it 'cause he hates fun? 'Cause he doesn't like joy?

    Is he trying to harsh the whole vibe of this boy?

    Maybe the Dean's got a really small heart?

    Or maybe the Dean's just a cranky old fart.

    I dunno. Who cares! The Dean is just rude.

    Like, all of the time. He's got a terrible 'tude...

    But now comes a twist in my holiday story!

    It'll surely delight you, and it won't be...uh...bore-y!

    Look, I failed English, okay. What do you want from me? I'm doing my best. Now listen good…

    This is a little story I like to call: "How the Dean Stole the Holidays!"

    Marco continues to tell his tale, "How the Dean Stole the Holidays."


    Marco and James:
    The Dean was in his office, with a sour, Dean-y frown, 'cause he knew some sick parties were about to go down.

    Dean Hardwick:
    "I hate holiday parties! Look at all of these fools.

    They care more about parties than following rules.

    They're filling their kegs! They're bringing their snacks!

    They've got tinsel galore and red cups in stacks!

    They throw so many parties when they deserve NONE.

    I MUST find some way to stop all their fun!"

    Marco and James:
    For soon, the Dean knew, the parties would be poppin'.

    And once that happened there could be no stoppin'...

    See, our sick college parties bring all the girls and boys.

    And along with that crowd comes a whole lotta NOISE.

    NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! The Dean hates it, y'all.

    He'd prefer if our college had no students at all!

    Dean Hardwick:
    "Ugh! For a million semesters I've put up with this now.

    I must stop all these holiday parties...but HOW?"

    Marco and James:
    The Dean thought real hard...and then suddenly he laughed! Like this: MUA-HA-HA-HA!

    Hold on to your butts, everyone...because the Dean just had a terrible idea!

    In Marco's holiday tale, the Dean has come up with a scheme...


    Dean Hardwick:
    "I know just what to do!" the Dean cackled with glee.

    "I'll make sure no one on campus can have a party!"

    Marco and James:
    The Dean got a huge sack and a red Santa coat!

    Then he told me his whole evil plan...and I quote...

    Dean Hardwick:
    "I'll take every party supply and pack it away.

    'Why, these are donations for orphans,' I'll say!

    'I'm Santa, after all. Don't you have a heart?

    Give me your supplies! You must do your part!'

    They'll give me their kegs, their cups, their balloons...

    They'll give it all up, those soft-hearted buffoons!

    Everything I collect will go straight to the TRASH.

    And then? No more parties. Peace on campus! AT LAST!"

    Marco and James:
    Broooo! What an evil dude, am I right?

    But stay with me, y'all. It's about to go OFF on this night...

    In Marco's holiday tale, the Dean is about to take all the party supplies from campus...


    Marco and James:

    The Dean had his plan. And his fake Santa suit.

    He snuck down to campus to gather the loot.

    Dean Hardwick:

    "Donations for charity!" that awful Dean fibbed.

    "Those poor sad orphans need stuff for their crib!"

    Marco and James:

    He slithered and slunk all over the Quad.

    He stole party stuff from every last club, crew, and squad!

    He stole all the red cups! He took chips by the bag!

    And decorations? All gone. You know cheer makes him gag!

    He filled his fake Santa sack with no room to spare.

    Soon enough, every Common Room on campus was bare!

    Then he crept to the dumpsters with his whole party stash.

    He took all of the goods and stuffed 'em right in the trash!

    Dean Hardwick:
    "Ha!" laughed the Dean. "No more drinks, snacks, or decor.

    These holiday parties are gonna be a real bore!

    Just how I like it! No flipping of cups.

    Now maybe those students will learn to SHUT UP."

    Marco and James:
    Dun dun dunnnn...

    In Marco's holiday tale, the Dean has stolen all the party supplies from campus!


    Marco and James:
    It was holiday party time and the Dean was real smug!

    He had this big evil grin on his chiseled old mug.

    Dean Hardwick:
    "Soon the students will realize they have no party gear!

    And then they'll start to cry their salty student tears..."

    The Dean cackled with glee. He could be so vicious!

    "Oh, I must hear their sobs. It will be so delicious!"

    Marco and James:
    He put his hand to his ear...but then the Dean frowned.

    If he'd ruined their parties, then what was that sound?

    It came from the dorms. It came from the Quad.

    It was almost as loud as our cheerleading squad...

    It wasn't tears or sobs. Not a single "boo-hoo."

    No, the sound that the Dean was hearing was...


    In Marco's holiday tale, the Dean has just heard cheering, despite his party sabotage...


    Marco and James:
    The Dean stared with shock at the campus below!

    But the noise didn't stop. It continued to grow.

    Dean Hardwick:
    "How can this be? I left their rooms bare!

    No drinks, no decor...there was nothing to spare!

    HOW can they party?" the mean old Dean cried.

    "My evil scheme should have ruined the holiday vibe!"

    Marco and James:
    He couldn't deny it. The holiday party came!

    He'd tried hard to stop it, but it was here all the same!

    It came without kegs! Without snacks! Without beer!

    It came without tinsel or tiny reindeer!

    The Dean was shocked, y'all. The party wasn't pooped!

    Then he realized something that left him straight gooped...

    Dean Hardwick:
    "Maybe parties," he thought, "aren't about all the stuff.

    Maybe chilling with your good friends and bros is enough!"

    In Marco's holiday tale, the Dean has just had an epiphany!


    Marco and James:
    So, what happened then? Well, on campus they say…

    that the mean Dean's small heart grew THREE SIZES that day!

    Yeah, I also failed math, but that's, like, huge. Serious glow-up.

    ...The minute the Dean felt all that joy in his heart,

    he rushed down to the party. He too would take part!

    He became one of the bros! He chilled with us all!

    He danced and he sang. The Dean had a ball!

    It was the greatest holiday party ever seen in this land.

    ...And the Dean! He himself! Even did a keg stand!

    With his tale told, Marco sits back down in his chair in the Dean's office.


    And there you have it! That's the power of holiday cheer, bro.

    Dean Hardwick:
    Are you quite finished?

    Uh. Yeah. That's all I got. Pretty good story, huh?

    Dean Hardwick:
    You may be confusing "good" with "long." Did you truly think your atrocious rhyming would convince me not to punish you for throwing a snowball through my office window?

    I mean...yeah?? C'mon, Dean! It was an accident. Besides, it's winter break! Did you not hear all that stuff about the holiday spirit? Isn't your heart growing to a bigger size?

    Dean Hardwick:
    If my heart actually tripled in size I would have to go to the hospital.

    Awww, man. So I really have to sit here and write you a whole apology letter? Even after all that? I just weaved you a merry tale, dude.

    Dean Hardwick:
    Ideally. Yes.
    ...Unfortunately, your lengthy rambling has made me quite late for my next appointment. So I am forced to dismiss you with a warning this time. Don't do it again.

    Wait, really?! HECK YEAH! It's a seasonal miracle! Happy holidays, sir!

    Dean Hardwick:
    Get out of my office.

    Happy Holidays, PIMD!

    When your mom tells you to try on your new clothes:
    #1 ATAClaptrap, Dec 4, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2024
  2. I miss that time once when there was an error with stories loading, so they got published in full on forum. It fleshed out the characters and made their storylines easier to follow. Thank you writers!
  3. I'd love to see them do this at the end of every hunt.
  4. Start and end of a hunt tbh. If yall need a writer i work for 2 bentos a day. Yes, im cheap and i embrace it.
    MayaTheHopeful and Muschi like this.