Manic, How Could You?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 12, 2019.

  1. Interrupt the pancake party like that? I hadn't even asked if i should bring berry syrups since i hate maple
  2. yussss

    so tell me what that eyeball licking ish was
  3. My plan worked you fools
  4. I laft that it was locked for being off topic not for the horrendous pre discussion
  5. Is a thing in japan. They all got pink eye
  7. It’s pretty self explanatory.
    You take your significant other’s face and you ram your tongue into their eye ever so gently and you just lick up some eye mucus.
    I have pics.
  8. Gummy is still with us tho *signs the cross* so maybe manic just didn't read it
  9. Pancakes w/cinnamon syrup and banana ???
  10. i don’t blame them, the tea was cold now and everyone was quenched
  11. dis sounds gud
  12. Tbh she was reading the whole thing
  13. Cold ass pancakes with sugar. Think about it.
  14. thinking about it longer than i would have definitely didn’t help
  15. I read that as gold ass pancakes
  16. Maybe manic hates pancakes so it got locked
  17. Are we gonna talk about my eyes again because it gotta a little creepy
  18. Eye licking?
    I got plenty of photo EvIDeNCe
  19. I’m curious but also concerned as to why you would have evidence
  20. Licking eyeballs? Can I join? 