
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Gtfo, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. Dear lee,

    It’s with my great pleasure to be writing you this letter. You pop up every once awhile on this game, and talking to you usually makes my day. I dont know if im just kind of really crushing, but i wish so hard you'd ask me out on a date!! i know you're a little older than me and might be a little hesitant about it, but i really really like you! i think you are funny and interesting and cute as heck. pimd crushes are weird, but gah dang just ask me out so we can make out in my car already. Also respond to my messages pls.


    Buwbuw and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  2. stop this madness
  3. Tyler, they're out of your league.
  4. Wish someone would ask me out like this.
  5. Maybe leave me on read and I will ask you out like this too
  6. Goodluck with this
  7. Why does this feel familiar
  8. LOL
    Buwbuw and Maddi_Matsu like this.

  10. Careful what you wish for it just might come true

  11. Lee over there like.
  12. Is that gif from 101 Dalmatians?
    Buwbuw likes this.
    Buwbuw and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  14. I'm proud of you.
  15. 17000th post nect
  16. Do we have to celebrate every post tho
  17. Yes.

    You get my 17,000th post. Do you feel special? ;)
  18. Wow I don’t get asked out... I’m the bold one who does the asking... guys be mad pu...
  19. Sir

    This is a Wendy's