Looking for pupil and tutors

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by 0_0FiveStar-, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. I am looking for new pupil.Can help me in upgrading
  2. You're almost 8mcs and you haven't figured out how to upgrade yet?
    Ghastly, Muschi and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  3. I’m sure you’re not expecting to find a pupil that will dvp you money to upgrade. Right? Because at your size, that’s just silly.
    Muschi likes this.
  4. The others are right. Help you upgrade how?
    Ghastly and Muschi like this.
  5. Pupils don't help you at all lmfao you're the one that helps your pupil
    Aless4ndra, Ghastly and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  6. Your pupil is not your parent. Join a cc while it’s 2x and make some money.
  7. Everyone has different thoughts about pupil.If pupil hire me for max plunder, Take inactive tutors So they wont response .You all need active tutor and upgrading one . And u never think of helping him beside u have enough cash .Low stats struggling to get cash for upgrade.Always humanity paysoff so be kind and start helping your Tutors .i dont need pupil Anymore i want to be lesson
  8. I have figured out LoL . Stop hiring inactive tutors so no one speak ups u get max plunder too
  9. Pupil is not parent.Tutors are new to game.Help them as this game guildes you .Orelse Never take active and upgrading tutor . Take inactive tutors for max plunder
  10. Your worth enough U can help lot's of people here.Low stats new gamer Struggling for cash . If pupil can't help .Start taking inactive tutors for ur max plunder
  11. K. You need farmed noob.
    Muschi and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  12. It’s not anyone’s job to give you money to grow. You’re annoying tbh. I agree with Julie, someone should farm you.
    Muschi likes this.
  13. I hire who I want.
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Just help ur tutor who need helps . That's point
  16. You only have a 7 day award. So that’s less than (what’s next? 120 days?) You’ve either had help or you’re an alt. I’m finished with this discussion. You’re some kind of troll.
    Muschi likes this.
  17. Wtf kind of bank have you spent to get 8mcs in 7 days
    Aless4ndra likes this.
  18. Not sure what all your problems are with this person.

    They've suggested that pupils can help their tutors to upgrade.

    I haven't heard them suggest it is a tutor's right, or that they should expect it from a pupil. They're just asking for a pupil and saying that it would be beneficial if they helped out through dvp.

    HannahLecter likes this.
  19. Still looking for a pupil