lik OMG

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightingCactus, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Yestrdy I waz wlking nd I fel on my but it waz so annoyin lik I waz commg frm skool nd I lik fel
  2. Oh wow.... not 
  3. Is your grammar as good as your walking skills?
  4. Wow! All n00bs on this thread! It's called a joke, Just like your life
  5. Lol. Is walking one of those hard tasks like breathing ?

    e m m a
  6. Im a super noob I'm a newfag
  7.  OMG I Lik did da sam thng ystrday, it wuz Lik so werd
  8. Lik Ik itz lik so annoyi
  9. Drunk off candy canes
  10. Yeh it wuz anoyin, lik I kep falln 4 no resin
  11. Ik whn gt hom I trip nd fel gain
  12. Well good for you. I don't care.
  13. 
  14. I waz lik omfgz gid meh dat gawddwamn cooooookie!!!

    or a walapeno!!!

  15. 


    M2482 or whatever your shitty unoriginal name is, we're laughing about YOU and the massive fail load that you're carrying on your back.


    Learn about your shitty hate target before hating them ROFL.

    And anyways ha10, good for you. Nobody cares either. D:

    Just had to point that out. Just had to. X)
  16.  Um teacher?

    Chole wont shut her trap. Can i shut it for her?