Life WITHOUT PimD?!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Mar 9, 2018.

  1. Perhaps the most frightening message we, as pimd addicts, can receive is...

    That’s right. The servers were down a few hours ago...for a

    misery, woe.


    Some of us may react in the following ways:

    Frantically screaming...


    Perhaps even having a full meltdown...

    Or maybe you don’t really care.


    Of course when the servers are down or, for some reason, we’re unable to go onto pimd, we must occupy our minds with something else.

    For myself, I’m usually either at classes or at work for most of the time. In my free time, however, I very much enjoy anything to do with the fine arts. Wether that be playing music, singing, or acting. For those of you who have me added on line, you may be familiar with my singing and / or playing various instruments videos that I post.? I also watch Netflix and YouTube way too much, and love spending time with my pets when I get the opportunity to.


    So what do you do when you’re not on PimD?


    Thanks for reading.
    ~ Crystal 

    Please refrain from breaking the ToU or Forum CoC.
  2. Sometimes I think about eating tide pods and drinking bleach. Without pimd, life isn’t worth living.
  3. I recede to line, youtube, or maybe play a match of TDM battles. Or just close my eyes and meditate.

  4. I go outside for the first time in a long time.
  5. I’m sleeping

  6. That part...

    I’ve only seen that message in ss and only know it has been down when I receive the gift like 5 days later when I log back on because my speakers should be full.

    When I’m not working or in class or studying I’m spending time with family and friends, mentoring, investing, writing, performing, composing, recording music... I usually come on here while I’m bouncing a track out of curiosity as I cycle through a lot of other apps... mostly here on forums and WC until my introvented nature takes over as I’ve said in other threads.
  7. I read Or Play My Laptop
  8. Enjoy life
  9. I usually PimD while I do things so I can pretend like I’m being productive, but when I’m not on I’m usually at work, school or with friends.
  10. I went through this a couple months ago I had to take a break and get to know myself without pimd...I actually like to sleep.I have no friends.I do enjoy Youtube and Netflix??‍♀️
  11. Life? What is this sorcery that you speak of?
  13. I did not notice this down period, but where is my dn to compensate for the inconvenience :(

    And to answer your question, I go to uni and work at a pretzel shop and write stories because one day imma be a famous author and you'll all be in awe of me.
  14. I Fart if PimD is not working
  15. Design jewelry or hit up line group with memes or pictures of my 5 month old puppy or work on the novel I'm writing.
  16. A lot of things. I'm barely on here some hunts. Usually receiving top or deep sea diving, working, college, uh etc.
  17. receiving top lmfaoo
  18. um i usually relax and listen to music, go outside lol
  19. You ever have a bad day at work and you don't do drugs and run out of liquor? It's da perfect substitute.
  20. Notice my surroundings