life sucks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mars-Pi-, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. When you love a girl who you've loved since the 2nd grade hates you, we used to be great friends, it really sucks seeing the person you care the most about not wanting to have anything to do with you. This all started in the second week of November during our class trip, coincidentally I was kicked from Integrity the day I got back from that class trip. ? also today she was practicing for a tennis match, and she said "-insert my name here- you fucking dipshit, give me the ball" life sucks.

    I hate whenever I listen to music, I always get reminded of this shit k baiiiii
  2. I know what you mean Mars..

  3. Music reminds everyone of someone they love :(
  4. Go gay. The ladies can't handle you mars!
  5. Tru but no
  6. Eh! Get high? but I've been there,done that..and it was horrible. You'll feel better in time :)
  7. i feel ya marsee 
  8. Might help if you told her that you've liked her since 2nd grade, not much we can do about it. Write a badass letter about why you like her and how long you've liked her for and mail it to her, should either make or break whatever there is left
  9. Suck her ass shell love you again
  10. dont go emo now
  11. Sure does. UE down so have to come on here while I'm on the train home ?
  12. Booty eater confirmed
  13. Takes one to know one
  14. Aw, I'm sorry, Mars! But, you gotta make it or break it. If you tell herthat you've liked her for x amount of years, she's gotta make a decision.
  15. Blow your load In LIFES MOUTH THEN,

  16. Such wisdom?
  17. ? :roll:
  18. Awww booofreakinhoo!

    You know when life really sucks?? It's when you grow up and have bills, a job, going to school full time while having a job, then your car gets stolen, then you can't make rent.

    Cry me a damn river why don't ya just cause lil miss Susierottencrotch won't give you the time of day. You're prolly too damn young to even know what love, real love even is.

    Kids these days.... I tell ya.