I got my 2 furniture item to Level & it dropped to 0 why? Level 11 - Bedside table: Str +0 (+2%) into +0 (+1%) Level 11 - Item on wall right side room: Str +0 (+2%) into +0 (+1%) We're did the amount go? Why did it drop to 0???? And how do I get the +0 back to were it was??
Re: Level 11 Furniture? Losing millions Level 11 furniture gives percentage based stat boosts I believe?
You get an award the has the same stats as the level 10 furniture, and then they turn into % stats. I'm just not entirely sure what the % is based off of
All furni level 11 and up gets a percentage bonus rather than raw stat bonus. It was announced for Black Friday 2018 I think. I'll see if I can find the thread... Edit: I find. Thread is here
At lvl 11 the item’s base stats drop to 0 but an achievement is gained worth the same value as the lvl 10 stats. From lvl 11 to lvl 20, the item will gain % bonus that adds that % of your total dorm stats to the dorm stats. Example: 100mcs dorm boost from all furniture + 6% strength + 6% intel from lvl 20 lamp = 106mcs total form boost Having all upgradable furniture at lvl 20 will grant a total of 84% strength and 84% intel dorm boost.