Let's talk about Peace Tags

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Bumble, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. First off, I don't hate it. I think it could be something, but this is not it.
    I don't think they should last longer than eight hours. Enough for sleep or a day of work maybe, but I think it should fall on the player to protect themselves. They should know, or learn, to hide money; stay DTW; and keep an eye on their tuts.

    It's easy to abuse if you stack them and keep activating, so maybe it should be limited to one every twenty-four hours. I think it makes them a decent protection without being overpowered. Yeaaa it'll make farming harder, but farmers already have to figure out when it's 'optimal' to hit someone or strip them. It's the same thing, just now they have to be better at it. The people who are really good at it, or with the time to learn, will still be successful I think.

    Thoughts? :p
  2. The hate train arrives shortly ?
  3. I’m not into them but i’m also not against them.
  4. There’s a pre-existing thread comparing the pros and cons of this already that was just recently made! A lot of great points.

    I’d recommend checking that out to see how people feel on the situation ️
  5. These are my thoughts so I'm gonna spread them around.

    ^ we Need all the threads. Those weren't close to a decent list of pros and cons.
  6. I definitely will, I took too long to type haha thanks!
  7. How many threads are ppl gonna make about this tho
  8. ? hi bumble love. I'll give my piece on it. I dont mind it. I think the good farmers will find a way to be good at what they do and the new farmers who hop on the band wagon for bulling will learn. I think its positive about the misc thing but also I dont mind the pass either I think it let's people sleep in peace without people worring about getting harassed all night