Let's Play A Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cloudy_Days, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. [​IMG]
    This is just for fun(-,-)/
    Tell me what you get
  3. I named my cat after vacuum Cleaner because I'm a Ninja ?
  4. I went to McDonald's with Santa Claus because I ran of out of other things to do.
  5. I took a shower with Miley Cyrus because i'm sexy like that.
  6. I punched a drunk lady because i ran out of other things
  7. Curse ur birth :lol:
  8. i named my cat after a clown because i was hôrny

    lmfao lit af ?
  9. I took a shower with an old cat because I ran out of other things to do ??
  10. I licked justin biebera mom cause im a ninja
  11. I killed my grandma because I was born that way ??
  12. I went to McDonald's with Usher because I love drama.
  13. No I will not tell you my birthday, ya metadata farming loser
  14. Ikr
  15. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. I licked my grandma because I’m a stripper, Deal with it.
  17. thats hot
  18. I have a nightmares about a gangster because i was horny
  20. [/quote]*