^Lets Make A Story^

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ayano-Fire-Konachan- (01), Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Boredom Bugs Me...

    So lets make a dumb ol' story..

    Everyone gets to type a sentence with 30 words or less.

    Like you know, I type, then you continue, and then someone else continues...

    When someone says =The End= we start a new story..

    Like those storytellers at the library..

    So lets start anyway..

    Once upon a time, there was a hobo. He had an iPod and he threw it at Justin Bieber.
  2. Jb was so weak that the impact of the iPod put him into a coma

    Everyone decided to make the hobo rich just bcuz of that
  3. They both blew up from a fallout war

    =the end=
  4. Justin Bieber died and the hobo was Selena Gomez's mom
  5. Then Justin Beiber zombie terrorized the world with bad moaning not singing
  6. which people ended up liking more than his actual voice.
  7. And instead of the last person they would choose for any award Rebbeca
    Black takes his place at the top of the lost
  8. Cool story bro
  9. and then Rebecca Black lost her voice and the whole world was happy
  10. But unfortunately she got it back and everyone jumped off the empire state building..
  11. Nuke
    =The End=
  12. The whole world started shuffling everday since they were all dead
  13. Part2

    As she rampaged through the city she ate a clam and barged her guts up
  14. Nuke
    =The End=
    Xd jk keep goin
  15. These guts cloned her and mad an army
  16. then they found out Rebecca Black was alive so they jumped off the Empire State Building again
  17. Then all humans turned into brailess zombies
  18. they forgot all about Rebecca Black and made her queen instead