Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheWrongOne, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Okay so a lot of you people keep complaining that this isn't a dating game. But I have had like a few people told me that it was actually advertised as a dating game before. Anyway, those people on campus that go looking for boyfriends/girlfriends, it's their life. Why should we bother. Even I used to do that. And will still do it if I'm single again. What do you care if we want to look for a game boyfriend/girlfriend? And those people looking for dîrty Rp. Or dîrty talk? Leave them, they'll be silenced anyways. Why should you waste speakers just to complain? Let people do or say whatever they want, if it's offensive then they'll get punished, problem fixed. If they spam, they'll get silenced. Whatever they'll do, I'm sure they know he consequences of their actions.

    Okay, if you must, go and rant about my stupid useless thread. I just wanted to say what was on my mind. Freedom of speech yo. Some of you will think "Why should we listen to a noob like you?" I don't expect anybody to listen to me. Cuz I'll let you do whatever you want.
  2. support if they date let em date is their life

    Simple as "who cares"
    To others i Say live and let live
  3. Im gonna love you TENDERLY and tolerate THE SHIT outta you!!!

    that's what you mean?
  4. Thank you. Leave them alone. Besides it's not prohibited to look for game relationships.
  5. What does that even mean? o_O
  6. Spit lives in his own little world most of the time he makes no sense and then he deuces
  7. To be honnest, I don't care about what's going on in campus but I will not tolerate what going on in campus in our forum. Keep your rp stuff in campus, not the forums. Theres a FAN FICTION section for rp that doesn't appear in active topic. So go there!!!
  8. Sense? You're just too DULL to appreciate my divine genius!

    <333 Kana
  9. You make sense to me just not so much to the less fortunate
  10. How is my post even related to RP? besides. How would I even know that this will appear on the active topic list?
  11. Trishy, i wasn't aiming you. I was talking in general to people that rp and make annoying threads asking of Dirty rp
  12. At the end of the day: the KING and the PAWN end up going in the same BOX. SO TAKE THAT DAMN BOX AND BURNNNN IT!!!!!!!!!
  13. Maybe they don't know that they can/post in the fan fiction category for the Rp thingy.
  14. I've noticed that most of those that want to Rp are well... New players? Idk what to call them. So they probably don't know about forums and etc
  15. I like the old days there was less pervs and less people who looks for rp/gf/bf and so I don't like these posts. It makes campus look dirty. 
  16. If they don't know, then they need to do the first thing that a new player needs to do. READ THE RULES AND EXPLORE.
  17. Trish just to state you just broke the ToU twice sweetheart asking for any type of vulgar rp is silence able you know.
  19. I wasn't asking for rp. o_O